I think the new doc is clear :
There's an HTTP status code for the case that was previously reported by the Feedback Service :
410 - The device token is no longer active for the topic.
In addition, there's a JSON data key named timestamp
in the response body :
If the value in the :status header is 410, the value of this key is the last time at which APNs confirmed that the device token was no longer valid for the topic.
Stop pushing notifications until the device registers a token with a later timestamp with your provider.
Therefore, the HTTP response in the new API covers the functionality that was previously covered by the Feedback Service. Since the Feedback Service is not mentioned in the new doc, we can safely assume that it's not part of the new API.
If you are using an old library such as javapns, which still uses the old API, I'm assuming that it still uses the Feedback Service too. The old API is likely to still be supported by Apple for a while.