I solved this.
At the protecting API level at the startup class I have this configuration:
.AddIdentityServerAuthentication(options =>
options.Authority = "https://shared-domain-for-every-tenant/";
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = true;
options.ApiName = "atb_api";
The magic happens at the IDP level (IdentityServer4), while configuring the IdentityServer I add the option IssuerUri like this:
services.AddIdentityServer(options => {
options.IssuerUri = "https://shared-domain-for-every-tenant/";
})..AddDeveloperSigningCredential() ...other configurations ...
When I navigate to https://auth.company1.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
the returned document is like this:
"issuer": "https://shared-domain-for-every-tenant/",
"jwks_uri": "https://auth.company1.com/.well-known/openid-configuration/jwks",
"authorization_endpoint": "https://auth.company1.com/connect/authorize",
"token_endpoint": "https://auth.company1.com/connect/token",
"userinfo_endpoint": "https://auth.company1.com/connect/userinfo",
Notice the issure is a static url while all the other endpoints are specific to the tenant that made the request. This allows the API to validate the access token and also have different endpoints for each tenant (I need this to show a different login screen for each of them).
Hope it helps someone out there :)