I tried setting concurrency to 1 and max_tasks_per_child to 1 in my settings.py file and ran 3 tasks at the same time. It just spawns 1 process as a User and the other 2 as celery. It should should just run 1 process and then wait for it to finish before running the other one.
I am using django celery.
I was assigning concurrency by writing CELERYD_CONCURRENCY = 1 in settings.py file. But when I looked at the celery log file using "tail -f /var/log/celery/w1.log" then I saw a value of 8 assigned to concurrency. This told me that setting.py does not change the concurrency.
To fix this issue I added the following lines to "/etc/default/celeryd" file.
# Extra arguments to celeryd
Now the second task in the queue waits until the first is finished.