In your Storyboard, when you embed a VC in a ContainerView, you also see a "segue" connecter. When the root VC loads, you will get a call to prepare for segue for that.
Give each storyboard-created segue an Identifier - such as "infoViewEmbedSegue", "feedViewEmbedSegue", etc.
In your root VC, I'm guessing that
var infos: BusinessProfilesDetails!
var feeds: BusinessProfilePostsFeed!
are variables to reference the content of infoView
? If so, in prepare() you want to:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
// get a reference to the embedded PageViewController on load
if let vc = segue.destination as? BusinessProfilesDetails,
segue.identifier == "infoViewEmbedSegue" {
self.infos = vc
// if you already have your data object
self.infos.otherUser = theDataDict
if let vc = segue.destination as? BusinessProfilePostsFeed,
segue.identifier == "feedViewEmbedSegue" {
self.feeds = vc
// if you already have your data object
self.feeds.otherUser = theDataDict
// etc
Now you'll have persistent references to the actual View Controllers embedded in your Container Views, in case you want access to them in other parts of your root VC, e.g.:
@IBAction func btnTapped(_ sender: Any) {
self.feeds.otherUser = theDataDict