Here is an example of the CustomDocumentProperties, which I recently started using to store some meta-information (easier than dealing with the CustomXMLParts).
The examples below store only string data, but you can also use date, number and Yes/No (which with some finagling you could sub as a Boolean). You are limited to 255 characters for string data.
Sub Test()
'## Assign a CDP
SetCustomProperty "myProperty", "some value I want to store"
End Sub
You can view the CPD's from the Backstage | Info | Properties | Advanced Properties | Custom:
In the event that you End
run-time, you can restore the values from the CDP, you can query the property value by:
myVar = ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties("myProperty").Value
You can use functions like these to set properties in the CustomDocumentProperties
Sub SetCustomProperty(property$, val$)
Dim cdp As Variant
Dim hasProperty As Boolean
If HasCustomProperty(property) Then
ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties(property).Value = val
ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties.Add property, False, msoPropertyTypeString, val
End If
End Sub
Private Function HasCustomProperty(property$) As Boolean
Dim cdp As Variant
Dim boo As Boolean
For Each cdp In ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
If = property Then
boo = True
Exit For
End If
HasCustomProperty = boo
End Function