You should know that there is no threads in PHP.
But you can execute programs and detach them easily if you're running on Unix/linux system.
$command = "/usr/bin/php '/path/to/your/php/to/execute.php'";
exec("{$command} > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n $!");
May do the job. Let's explain a bit :
Executes /usr/bin/php '/path/to/your/php/to/execute.php' : your script is launched but Apache will awaits the end of the execution before executing next code.
> /dev/null
will redirect standard output (ie. your echo, print etc) to a virtual file (all outputs written in it are lost).
will redirect error output to standard output, writting in the same virtual and non-existing file. This avoids having logs into your apache2/error.log for example.
is the most important thing in your case : it will detach your execution of $command : so exec() will immediatly release your php code execution.
echo -n $!
will give PID of your detached execution as response : it will be returned by exec() and makes you able to work with it (such as, put this pid into a database and kill it after some time to avoid zombies).