When you call
this, as the documentation states, cancels any async timer pending.
If you want to have overlapping requests in flight at a given time, one timer is clearly not enough. Luckily there is a wellknown pattern around bound shared pointers in Asio that you can use to mimick a "session" per response.
Say you define a session to contain it's own private timer:
struct session : boost::enable_shared_from_this<session> {
session(boost::asio::io_service& svc, int N) :
timer(svc, boost::posix_time::seconds(N))
// Note: shared_from_this is not allowed from ctor
void start() {
// it's critical that the completion handler is bound to a shared
// pointer so the handler keeps the session alive:
timer.async_wait(boost::bind(&session::handler, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error));
void handler(const boost::system::error_code &ec) {
std::cout << "hello, world" << "" << ec.message() << std::endl;
boost::asio::deadline_timer timer;
Now, it's trivial to replace the code that used the hardcoded timer instance:
with the session start:
boost::make_shared<session>(io_service, nRecv)->start();
A fully working example (with suitably stubbed ZMQ stuff): Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <iostream>
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
// I love stubbing out stuff I don't want to install just to help others
enum { ZMQ_PULL };
static void* zmq_ctx_new() { return nullptr; }
static void* zmq_socket(void*,int) { return nullptr; }
static void zmq_bind(void*,char const*) {}
static void zmq_recv(void*,int*data,size_t,int)
*data = 2;
// End of stubs :)
void* context = zmq_ctx_new();
void* sock_pull = zmq_socket(context, ZMQ_PULL);
struct session : boost::enable_shared_from_this<session> {
session(boost::asio::io_service& svc, int N) :
timer(svc, boost::posix_time::seconds(N))
// Note: shared_from_this is not allowed from ctor
void start() {
// it's critical that the completion handler is bound to a shared
// pointer so the handler keeps the session alive:
timer.async_wait(boost::bind(&session::handler, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error));
~session() {
std::cout << "bye (session end)
void handler(const boost::system::error_code &ec) {
std::cout << "hello, world" << "" << ec.message() << std::endl;
boost::asio::deadline_timer timer;
void run() {
void thread_listener() {
int nRecv = 0;
for(int n=0; n<4; ++n) {
zmq_recv(sock_pull, &nRecv, sizeof(nRecv), 0);
std::cout << nRecv << std::endl;
boost::make_shared<session>(io_service, nRecv)->start();
int main() {
auto work = boost::make_shared<boost::asio::io_service::work>(io_service);
zmq_bind(sock_pull, "tcp://*:60000");
boost::thread tThread(thread_listener);
boost::thread tThreadRun(run);