This appears to be a compatibility issue between pypyodbc and the Access ODBC driver when retrieving "large" or "small" numbers from a Single
or Double
field (column), where "large" means
values with more than 6 significant digits to the left of the decimal point, or
values with more than 14 significant digits to the left of the decimal point
and "small" means
values with more than 6 zeros immediately to the right of the decimal point, or
values with more than 14 zeros immediately to the right of the decimal point
when the numbers are represented as "normal" decimals (i.e., not in scientific notation).
Code to recreate:
import pypyodbc
cnxn = pypyodbc.connect(
r"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};"
crsr = cnxn.cursor()
crsr.execute("DROP TABLE tblJunk")
except pypyodbc.ProgrammingError as pe:
# ignore "table does not exist"
if pe.value[0] != '42S02':
crsr.execute("CREATE TABLE tblJunk (ID INT PRIMARY KEY, DoubleField DOUBLE, SingleField SINGLE)")
crsr.execute("INSERT INTO tblJunk (ID, DoubleField) VALUES (1, 12345678.9)")
crsr.execute("SELECT DoubleField, SingleField FROM tblJunk WHERE ID=1")
row = crsr.fetchone()
# prints: (12345678.9, None)
crsr.execute("UPDATE tblJunk SET SingleField = DoubleField WHERE ID=1")
crsr.execute("SELECT DoubleField, SingleField FROM tblJunk WHERE ID=1")
row = crsr.fetchone()
# ValueError: could not convert string to float: E+7
Workaround 1: For Single
values, using the CDbl()
function can avoid the error:
crsr.execute("SELECT DoubleField, CDbl(SingleField) AS foo FROM tblJunk WHERE ID=1")
row = crsr.fetchone()
# prints: (12345678.9, 12345679.0)
Workaround 2: Use the CStr()
function to return the value as a string and then convert it to a float afterwards (works for both Single
and Double
crsr.execute("SELECT DoubleField, CStr(SingleField) AS foo FROM tblJunk WHERE ID=1")
row = crsr.fetchone()
# prints: (12345678.9, u'1.234568E+07')
# prints: 12345680.0
Workaround 3: Use pyodbc instead of pypyodbc.