/* Query a time server
(C) 1999-09-29, Ralf D. Kloth (QRQ.software) <ralf at qrq.de> */
$timeserver = "ntp1.sf-bay.org";
$timercvd = query_time_server($timeserver,37);
if (!$timercvd[1]) { # if no error from query_time_server
$timevalue = bin2hex ($timercvd[0]);
$timevalue = abs (HexDec('7fffffff') - HexDec($timevalue) - HexDec('7fffffff')) ;
$tmestamp = $timevalue - 2208988800; # convert to UNIX epoch time stamp
$datum = date("Y-m-d (D) H:i:s",$tmestamp - date("Z",$tmestamp)); /* incl time zone offset */
$doy = (date("z",$tmestamp)+1);
echo "Time check from time server ",$timeserver," : [<font color="red">",$timevalue,"</font>]";
echo " (seconds since 1900-01-01 00:00.00).<br>
echo "The current date and universal time is ",$datum," UTC. ";
echo "It is day ",$doy," of this year.<br>
echo "The unix epoch time stamp is $tmestamp.<br>
} #if (!$timercvd)
else {
echo "Unfortunately, the time server $timeserver could not be reached at this time. ";
echo "$timercvd[1] $timercvd[2].<br>
} # else