What I'd do is have NinjaBuilder
keep the operations as a list of delegates, rather than applying them, and only apply them when .Build
is called. This would allow you to make them conditional:
public class NinjaBuilder {
List<Action<Ninja>> builderActions = new List<Action<Ninja>>();
public Ninja Build() {
var ninja = new Ninja();
builderActions.ForEach(ba => ba(ninja));
return ninja;
public NinjaBuilder WithShurikens(int numShirukens) {
builderActions.Add(n=>n.Shirukens = numShirukens);
return this;
public NinjaBuilder When(Boolean condition) {
if (!condition) // If the condition is not met, remove the last action
builderActions.RemoveAt(builderActions.Length - 1);
return this;
Of course, this assumes that the condition is constant at the time of builder creation. If you want to make it non-constant, you could do something like this instead:
public NinjaBuilder When(Func<Boolean> condition) {
var oldAction = builderActions[builderActions.Length - 1];
builderActions[builderActions.Length - 1] = n => { if (condition()) { oldAction(n); } }
return this;
If you want When
be somewhat more compiler checked, you can make builderActions protected and do something like this:
public class ConditionalNinjaBuilder : NinjaBuilder {
public ConditionalNinjaBuilder(NinjaBuilder wrappedBuilder) {
// Since someone might call .WithShirukens on the wrapping
// builder directly, we should make sure that our actions
// list is the same instance as the one in our wrapped builder
builderActions = wrappedBuilder.builderActions;
public ConditionalNinjaBuilder When(Func<Boolean> condition) {
var oldAction = builderActions[builderActions.Length - 1];
builderActions[builderActions.Length - 1] = n => { if (condition()) { oldAction(n); } }
return this;
and have the original operations return a ConditionalNinjaBuilder:
public ConditionalNinjaBuilder WithShurikens(int numShirukens) {
builderActions.Add(n=>n.Shirukens = numShirukens);
return new ConditionalNinjaBuilder(this);
That way you can only call .When
after first calling another method. This has the additional advantage/complication of potentially allowing for nested/compounded conditionals, too. Yikes.