Registering your frames as a component solves both 1. and 2.:
- the components on the frame are locked when you put that frame control on a form or other frame
- you will get a component (actually: control) that you can design visually
But: there are a few catches (which can be solved, see article link), of which the most important is this one:
When you put components on your frame, and later drop that frame as a component on a Delphi form or frame, the components are visible in the Structure Pane.
The problem is that because they are visible in the structure pane, you can delete them, causing access violations.
The trick to solve this to not forget the 'sprig'.
I learned that valuable lesson from Ray Konopka during DelphiLive 2009.
Since the lesson is so valuable, I wrote a blog post on it that describes it in detail.
The essential portion is this little piece of code (more details in the blog post):
procedure RegisterFramesAsComponents(const Page: string; const FrameClasses: array of TFrameClass);
FrameClass: TFrameClass;
for FrameClass in FrameClasses do
RegisterComponents(Page, [FrameClass]);
RegisterSprigType(FrameClass, TComponentSprig);
Hope this helps.