The following is instructions on how to setup GIT Version Control so that you can use a better set of tools than the default installation. The setup requires that GIT Extensions is already installed and involves configuring Winmerge in GIT extensions.
Walk through all the prompts and install in the default directory for Winmerge.
Configure Winmerge in GIT Version Control
Open a new doc in a text editor.
Copy/paste the following and save the document as "wMerge.sh" to your "C:Program Files (x86)Gitin" directory.
echo Launching WinMerge: $1 $2 "C:/Program Files (x86)/WinMerge/WinMergeU.exe" -e -u -dl "Original" -dr "Modified" "$1" "$2"
Goto your "Users->username" directory and locate the .gitconfig file. Open it in your favorite editor copy/paste the following code and Save:
name = enter your name
email = [email protected]
autocrlf = false
tool = winmerge
[mergetool "winmerge"]
cmd = wMerge.sh "$MERGED" "$REMOTE"
path = c:/Program Files (x86)/winmerge/winmergeu.exe
keepBackup = false
trustExitCode = false
guitool = winmerge
[difftool "winmerge"]
path = c:/Program Files (x86)/winmerge/winmergeu.exe
cmd = "c:/Program Files (x86)/winmerge/winmergeu.exe" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
Run "GitExtensions", goto "tools->Settings->Git Extensions->Git Config". If you've done your installation properly and referenced the tools to their directory, your global settings page should look like below (NOTE: Please fill in your name on name and email):
mergetool: winmerge
path to mergetool: c:/Program Files (x86)/winmerge/winmergeu.exe
mergetool command: wMerge.sh "$MERGED" "$REMOTE"
difftool: winmerge
path to difftool: c:/Program Files (x86)/winmerge/winmergeu.exe
difftool command: "c:/Program Files (x86)/winmerge/winmergeu.exe" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
line endings: checkout as-is, commit as-is
Navigate to the checklist tab to verify that GIT is all "green" and satisfied with your setup.