I googled and tried on my own some more time...
There is no built-in way in .NET so far. You have to implement a custom class based on BindingList<T>
. One way is described in Custom Data Binding, Part 2 (MSDN). I finally produces a different implementation of the ApplySortCore
-method to provide an implementation which is not project-dependent.
protected override void ApplySortCore(PropertyDescriptor property, ListSortDirection direction)
List<T> itemsList = (List<T>)this.Items;
if(property.PropertyType.GetInterface("IComparable") != null)
itemsList.Sort(new Comparison<T>(delegate(T x, T y)
// Compare x to y if x is not null. If x is, but y isn't, we compare y
// to x and reverse the result. If both are null, they're equal.
if(property.GetValue(x) != null)
return ((IComparable)property.GetValue(x)).CompareTo(property.GetValue(y)) * (direction == ListSortDirection.Descending ? -1 : 1);
else if(property.GetValue(y) != null)
return ((IComparable)property.GetValue(y)).CompareTo(property.GetValue(x)) * (direction == ListSortDirection.Descending ? 1 : -1);
return 0;
isSorted = true;
sortProperty = property;
sortDirection = direction;
Using this one, you can sort by any member that implements IComparable