Shiny .14 now available on CRAN supports saving app state in a URL. See this article
This answer is a more in-depth answer than my first that uses the entire sample code provided by OP. I've decided to add it as a new answer in light of the bounty. My original answer used a simplified version of this so that someone else coming to the answer wouldn't have to read through any extraneous code to find what they're looking for. Hopefully, this extended version will clear up any difficulties you're having. Parts I've added to your R code are surrounded with ### ... ###
# server.R
url_fields_to_sync <- c("beverage","milk","sugarLumps","customer");
# Define server logic required to respond to d3 requests
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) { # session is the common name for this variable, not clientData
# Generate a plot of the requested variable against mpg and only
# include outliers if requested
output$order <- reactiveText(function() {
if(input$milk) "with milk" else ", black",
if (input$sugarLumps == 0) "no" else input$sugarLumps,
"sugar lumps",
if (input$customer == "") "next customer" else input$customer)
firstTime <- TRUE
output$hash <- reactiveText(function() {
newHash = paste(collapse=";",
Map(function(field) {
# the VERY FIRST time we pass the input hash up.
if (!firstTime) {
} else {
if (is.null(input$hash)) {
} else {
# whenever your input values change, including the navbar and tabpanels, send
# a message to the client to update the URL with the input variables.
# setURL is defined in url_handler.js
reactlist <- reactiveValuesToList(input)
reactvals <- grep("^ss-|^shiny-", names(reactlist), value=TRUE, invert=TRUE) # strip shiny related URL parameters
reactstr <- lapply(reactlist[reactvals], as.character) # handle conversion of special data types
session$sendCustomMessage(type='setURL', reactstr)
observe({ # this observer executes once, when the page loads
# data is a list when an entry for each variable specified
# in the URL. We'll assume the possibility of the following
# variables, which may or may not be present:
# nav= The navbar tab desired (either Alfa Bravo or Delta Foxtrot)
# tab= The desired tab within the specified nav bar tab, e.g., Golf or Hotel
# beverage= The desired beverage selection
# sugar= The desired number of sugar lumps
# If any of these variables aren't specified, they won't be used, and
# the tabs and inputs will remain at their default value.
data <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
# the navbar tab and tabpanel variables are two variables
# we have to pass to the client for the update to take place
# if nav is defined, send a message to the client to set the nav tab
if (! is.null(data$page)) {
session$sendCustomMessage(type='setNavbar', data)
# if the tab variable is defined, send a message to client to update the tab
if (any(sapply(data[c('alfa_bravo_tabs', 'delta_foxtrot_tabs')], Negate(is.null)))) {
session$sendCustomMessage(type='setTab', data)
# the rest of the variables can be set with shiny's update* methods
if (! is.null(data$beverage)) { # if a variable isn't specified, it will be NULL
updateSelectInput(session, 'beverage', selected=data$beverage)
if (! is.null(data$sugarLumps)) {
sugar <- as.numeric(data$sugarLumps) # variables come in as character, update to numeric
updateNumericInput(session, 'sugarLumps', value=sugar)
hashProxy <- function(inputoutputID) {
# Define UI for shiny d3 chatter application
shinyUI(navbarPage('URLtests', id="page", collapsable=TRUE, inverse=FALSE,
tabPanel("Alfa Bravo",
id='alfa_bravo_tabs', # you need to set an ID for your tabpanels
tags$p("Nothing to see here. Everything is in the 'Delta Foxtrot' 'Hotel' tab")
,tabPanel("Delta Foxtrot",
id='delta_foxtrot_tabs', # you need to set an ID for your tabpanels
tags$p("Nothing to see here. Everything is in the 'Delta Foxtrot' 'Hotel' tab")
,tabPanel("Hotel", id='hotel',
tags$p("This widget is a demonstration of how to preserve input state across sessions, using the URL hash."),
selectInput("beverage", "Choose a beverage:",
choices = c("Tea", "Coffee", "Cocoa")),
checkboxInput("milk", "Milk"),
sliderInput("sugarLumps", "Sugar Lumps:",
min=0, max=10, value=3),
textInput("customer", "Your Name:"),
includeHTML('url_handler.js'), # include the new script
function(data) {
// create a reference to the desired navbar tab. page is the
// id of the navbarPage. a:contains says look for
// the subelement that contains the contents of data.nav
var nav_ref = '#page a:contains("' + data.page + '")';
function(data) {
// pick the right tabpanel ID based on the value of data.nav
if (data.page == 'Alfa Bravo') {
var tabpanel_id = 'alfa_bravo_tabs';
} else {
var tabpanel_id = 'delta_foxtrot_tabs';
// combine this with a reference to the desired tab itself.
var tab_ref = '#' + tabpanel_id + ' a:contains("' + data[tabpanel_id] + '")';
function(data) {
// make each key and value URL safe (replacing spaces, etc.), then join
// them and put them in the URL
var search_terms = [];
for (var key in data) {
search_terms.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[key]));
window.history.pushState('object or string', 'Title', '/?' + search_terms.join('&'));
To test this, call runApp(port=5678)
in the directory with your source files. By default, no parameters are specified in the URL, so this will default to the first navbar item and the first tab within that item. To test it with URL parameters, point your browser to:
. This should point you to the second navbar tab and the second tab in that navbar item with coffee as the selected beverage.