Try this; it will only work on a simple object, but if it's coming from an ORM it should be simple enough.
// Strips any false-y values
$object = (object) array_filter((array) $object);
Thanks to Gordon's answer to another question yesterday for giving me the idea.
This works by
- converting the object to an associative array, where object properties are the keys and their values are the array values
- using array_filter with default arguments to remove array entries with a false (e.g. empty, or null) values
- converting the new array back to a simple object
Note that this will remove all properties with empty values, including empty strings, false boolean values and 0s, not just nulls; you can change the array_filter call if you want to keep those and only remote those that are exactly null.
// Strips only null values
$object = (object) array_filter((array) $object, function ($val) {
return !is_null($val);