I have a js file named main_dog.js and a html file named study.html
If I run my script in the browser, it's working as expected. But the problem is when I run the js code, it's showing "ReferenceError: d3 is not defined".
My main_dog.js unit test file looks like this:
var graph;
var defaultX = 0, defaultY = 1;
var x0 = null, x0old = null, x1 = null, dims = [];
var attrNo = null, attr = null, attr2 = [], index = 0;
var X = [], Y = [];
var loaddata = [];
var istxtdata = false;
var colorScale = d3.scale.category10();
var label = {DEFAULT: "Un-Assign", AF: "American Foxhound", BD: "Bernedoodle", CKCP: "Cavalier King Charles Spaniel", ST: "Shih Tzu", AB: "American Bulldog"};
var positions = [label.DEFAULT, label.AF, label.BD, label.CKCP, label.ST, label.AB];
var colorMap = {"Un-Assign": "#7f7f7f", "American Foxhound": colorScale(0), "Bernedoodle": colorScale(1), "Cavalier King Charles Spaniel": colorScale(2), "Shih Tzu": colorScale(3), "American Bulldog": colorScale(4)};
var defaultColor = colorScale(5);
defaultColor = colorScale(6);
defaultColor = colorScale(7);
var positionDescriptions1 = {"Un-Assign": "un-assign a point", "American Foxhound": "usually the smallest and quickest players", "Bernedoodle": "typically of small-medium size and stature", "Bernedoodle": "typically of medium size and stature", "Shih Tzu": "typically of medium-large size and stature", "American Bulldog": "typically the largest players on the team"};
var positionDescriptions2 = {"Un-Assign": "un-assign a point", "American Foxhound": "skilled at passing and dribbling; primarily responsible for distributing the ball to other players resulting in many assists", "Bernedoodle": "typically attempts many shots, especially long-ranged shots", "Bernedoodle": "typically a strong defender with lots of steals", "Shih Tzu": "typically spends most time near the basket, resulting in lots of rebounds", "American Bulldog": "responsible for protecting the basket, resulting in lots of blocks"};
var positionDescriptionsDemo = {"Un-Assign": "un-assign a point", "American Foxhound": "responsible for controlling the ball", "Bernedoodle": "guards the opponent's best perimeter player on defense", "Bernedoodle": "typically makes many rebounds", "Shih Tzu": "typically some of the physically strongest players on the team", "American Bulldog": "typically relied on for both strong offense and defense"};
var positionDescriptions;// = positionDescriptions1;
var activePosition = "none";
var playerPositionMap = {};
var helpMouseoverStart = 0;
var helpMouseoverEnd = 0;
//Gets called when the page is loaded.
function init(){
defaultX = $("#initX :selected").text();
defaultY = $("#initY :selected").text();
function loadData() {
// Get input data
d3.csv('data/dog_indiv_100.csv', function(data) { // demo50 dataset
var loaddata = jQuery.extend(true, [], data);
for (var i = 0; i < loaddata.length; i++) {
loaddata[i]["id"] = "Dog " + loaddata[i]["id"];
// delete loaddata[i]["Player"];
// delete loaddata[i]["Player Anonymized"];
// delete loaddata[i]["Position"];
// delete loaddata[i]["Team"];
delete loaddata[i]["id"];
delete loaddata[i]["breed"];
playerPositionMap[loaddata[i]["Name"]] = "none";
loaddata[i]["coord"] = {};
attr = Object.keys(loaddata[0]);
attr.pop(); // remove "coord" from attribute list
attr.pop(); // remove "Name" from attribute list
attrNo = attr.length;
// set default user labels
loaddata.forEach(function(d) {
d["coord"]["userlabel"] = label.DEFAULT;
for (var i = 0; i<attrNo; i++) {
if (attr[i] != "Name" && attr[i] != "coord") {
var tmpmax = d3.max(loaddata, function(d) { return +d[attr[i]]; });
var tmpmin = d3.min(loaddata, function(d) { return +d[attr[i]]; });
// jitter the value by adding a random number up to +/- 3% of scale
function jitter(val, attribute) {
var mult = 0.03;
if (attribute == "Height (Inches)") mult = 0.02;
if (attribute == "Weight (Pounds)") mult = 0.01;
var noise = Math.random() * mult * (tmpmax - tmpmin);
// determine whether to add or subtract
var sign = Math.round(Math.random());
if (sign == 0) return val - noise;
else return val + noise;
loaddata.forEach(function(d) {
d["coord"][attr[i]] = jitter(+d[attr[i]], attr[i]);// jitter((+d[attr[i]]-tmpmin)/(tmpmax-tmpmin), attr[i]);
// determine which condition the user follows and which set of descriptions should be used
if (window.localStorage.getItem("whichCondition") == 1) positionDescriptions = positionDescriptions1;
else positionDescriptions = positionDescriptions2;
//positionDescriptions = positionDescriptionsDemo;
// initialize log entries
console.log("log entries initialized");
// initialize IAL
ial.init(loaddata, 0, ["coord", "Name"], "exclude", -1, 1);
console.log("ial initialized");
// load the vis
//Main function
function loadVis(data) {
for (var i = 0; i<attrNo; i++) {
dims[i] = attr[i];
tabulate(data[0], 'empty');
function addCustomAxisDropDownControls() {
$("#cbX").on('change', function() {
if ($(this).val() != "Custom Axis") {
$("#cbX option[value='Custom Axis']").remove();
function addHelp() {
var tooltipText = '<div class="qtip-dark"><b>Task:</b> Your task is to classify all of the points in the scatterplot. Each <i>circle</i> in the scatterplot represents a <i>basketball player</i>. Color each circle according to the <i>position</i> you think the basketball player plays.';
tooltipText += '<br><br>';
tooltipText += '<b>Interactions:</b> <ul>';
tooltipText += '<li><i>See Details</i> about a point by <i>Hovering</i> over it. Details will be shown in the text on the right.</li>';
tooltipText += '<li><i>Activate a Position</i> by <i>Clicking</i> on a colored circle on the right. A text description of the position will be shown on the bottom right.</li>';
tooltipText += '<li><i>Deactivate a Position</i> by <i>Double Clicking</i> on any colored circle on the right.</li>';
tooltipText += '<li><i>Classify a Point</i> on the scatterplot by <i>Clicking</i> on it while its position is activated.</li>';
tooltipText += '<li><i>Un-Assign a Point</i> on the scatterplot by <i>Clicking</i> on it while "Un-Assign" is activated.</li>';
tooltipText += '<li><i>Change the Axes</i> by <i>Selecting</i> a new variable from the drop-down on the X or Y axes.</li>';
tooltipText += '<li><i>Define a Custom Axis</i> by <i>Dragging</i> points from the scatterplot to the bins along the X-Axis.</li>';
tooltipText += '<li><i>Remove a Point from a Bin</i> on the X-Axis by <i>Double Clicking</i> the point inside the bin.</li>';
tooltipText += '<li><i>Reset the X-Axis</i> to the default by <i>Clicking</i> the "Clear X" button to clear both bins and change it to the default dimension.</li>';
tooltipText += '<li><i>Change the Weight of an Attribute</i> along the X-Axis by <i>Dragging</i> the bars to manually change the weight.</li>';
tooltipText += '</ul>';
tooltipText += '<br>';
tooltipText += 'Try to classify all points in the scatterplot to complete the study. When ready to continue, check the box in bottom right and press <span class="studyBlue">Continue</span> to proceed to the next phase of the study.';
tooltipText += '</div>';
content: {
title: 'Help:',
text: tooltipText
style: {
width: 500,
classes: 'qtip-dark'
d3.select("#helpButton").on("mouseover", function() {
helpMouseoverStart = new Date();
}).on("mouseout", function() {
helpMouseoverEnd = new Date();
// units are seconds -- mouseover time will always encapsulate drag time as well
var elapsedTime = (helpMouseoverEnd - helpMouseoverStart) / 1000;
// get the x,y coordinates of all the points on the graph to log
var data_locations = [];
d3.select("#SC").selectAll("circle").each(function(d) {
var pt_log = { player: d.Name, x: d.x, y: d.y, cx: +this.getAttribute("cx"), cy: +this.getAttribute("cy") };
ial.logging.log('help', undefined, 'HelpHover', {'level': 'INFO', 'eventType': 'help_hover', 'elapsedTime': elapsedTime, 'userId': window.localStorage.getItem("userId"), 'whichCondition': window.localStorage.getItem("whichCondition"), 'data_locations': data_locations});
function addClassificationControls(data) {
var svgClassContainer = d3.select("#datapanel2")
.attr("width", 150)
.attr("height", 160);
var categoryGroups = svgClassContainer.selectAll("circle")
.attr("transform", function(d, i) { return "translate(30, " + (24*(i+1)) + ")"; })
.on("click", function(d) {
activePosition = d;
d3.selectAll(".category").classed("categoryClicked", false);