Yes, I found a solution. Code to follow. But before that, let me explain a bit what I have done.
So, there's definitely a need to take maters in our own hands to dispose the image and its underlying resources (bitmap or drawable, however you want to call it). Basically, it comes down to dispose the native 'ImageRenderer' object.
Now, there's no way to obtain a reference to that ImageRenderer from anywhere because in order to do so, one need to be able to call Platform.GetRenderer(...). Access to the 'Platform' class is inaccessible since its scope is declared as 'internal'.
So, I have been left with no choice other than to sub-class the Image class and its (Android) Renderer and destroy this Renderer itself from inside (passing 'true' as argument. Don't try with 'false'). Inside the Renderer I hook on to page disappear (In case of a TabbedPage). In most situations the Page Disappear event will not serve the purpose well, such as when the page is still in the screen stack but disappears due to a another page is being drawn on Top of it. If you dispose the Image(s) than, when the page gets uncovered (shown) again, it will not display the images. In such case we have to hook on the the main Navigation Page's 'Popped' event.
I have tried to explain to the best I could. The rest - I hope - you will be able to get from the code:
This is the Image Sub-Class in the PCL Project.
using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace ApplicationClient.CustomControls
public class LSImage : Image
The following code is in the Droid project.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Views.InputMethods;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.Util;
using Application.Droid.CustomControls;
using ApplicationClient.CustomControls;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ApplicationClient.CustomControls.LSImage), typeof(LSImageRenderer))]
namespace Application.Droid.CustomControls
public class LSImageRenderer : ImageRenderer
Page page;
NavigationPage navigPage;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Image> e)
if (e.OldElement == null)
if (GetContainingViewCell(e.NewElement) != null)
page = GetContainingPage(e.NewElement);
if (page.Parent is TabbedPage)
page.Disappearing += PageContainedInTabbedPageDisapearing;
navigPage = GetContainingNavigationPage(page);
if (navigPage != null)
navigPage.Popped += OnPagePopped;
else if ((page = GetContainingTabbedPage(e.NewElement)) != null)
page.Disappearing += PageContainedInTabbedPageDisapearing;
void PageContainedInTabbedPageDisapearing (object sender, EventArgs e)
page.Disappearing -= PageContainedInTabbedPageDisapearing;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
Log.Info("**** LSImageRenderer *****", "Image got disposed");
private void OnPagePopped(object s, NavigationEventArgs e)
if (e.Page == page)
navigPage.Popped -= OnPagePopped;
private Page GetContainingPage(Xamarin.Forms.Element element)
Element parentElement = element.ParentView;
if (typeof(Page).IsAssignableFrom(parentElement.GetType()))
return (Page)parentElement;
return GetContainingPage(parentElement);
private ViewCell GetContainingViewCell(Xamarin.Forms.Element element)
Element parentElement = element.Parent;
if (parentElement == null)
return null;
if (typeof(ViewCell).IsAssignableFrom(parentElement.GetType()))
return (ViewCell)parentElement;
return GetContainingViewCell(parentElement);
private TabbedPage GetContainingTabbedPage(Element element)
Element parentElement = element.Parent;
if (parentElement == null)
return null;
if (typeof(TabbedPage).IsAssignableFrom(parentElement.GetType()))
return (TabbedPage)parentElement;
return GetContainingTabbedPage(parentElement);
private NavigationPage GetContainingNavigationPage(Element element)
Element parentElement = element.Parent;
if (parentElement == null)
return null;
if (typeof(NavigationPage).IsAssignableFrom(parentElement.GetType()))
return (NavigationPage)parentElement;
return GetContainingNavigationPage(parentElement);
Finally, I have changed the Name of the Application in the namespace to 'ApplicationClient' in the PCL project and to 'Application.Droid' in Droid project. You should change it to your app name.
Also, the few recursive methods at the end of the Renderer class, I know that I could combine it into one Generic method. The thing is, that I have build one at a time as the need arose. So, this is how I left it.
Happy coding,