If your PostgreSQL version is sufficiently new (9.4+) and psycopg version is >= 2.5.4 all the keys are strings and values can be represented as JSON, it would be best to store this into a JSONB column. Then, should the need arise, the column would be searchable too. Just create the table simply as
CREATE TABLE thetable (
uuid TEXT,
dict JSONB
(... and naturally add indexes, primary keys etc as needed...)
When sending the dictionary to PostgreSQL you just need to wrap it with the Json
adapter; when receiving from PostgreSQL the JSONB value would be automatically converted into a dictionary, thus inserting would become
from psycopg2.extras import Json, DictCursor
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
cur.execute('INSERT into thetable (uuid, dict) values (%s, %s)',
['testName', Json({'id':'122','name':'test','number':'444-444-4444'})])
and selecting would be as simple as
cur.execute('SELECT dict FROM thetable where uuid = %s', ['testName'])
row = cur.fetchone()
print(row['dict']) # its now a dictionary object with all the keys restored
print(row['dict']['number']) # the value of the number key
With JSONB, PostgreSQL can store the values more efficiently than just dumping the dictionary as text. Additionally, it becomes possible to do queries with the data, for example just select the some of the fields from the JSONB column:
>>> cur.execute("SELECT dict->>'id', dict->>'number' FROM thetable")
>>> cur.fetchone()
['122', '444-444-4444']
or you could use them in queries if needed:
>>> cur.execute("SELECT uuid FROM thetable WHERE dict->>'number' = %s',
>>> cur.fetchall()
[['testName', {'id': '122', 'name': 'test', 'number': '444-444-4444'}]]