Not exactly what you are asking for, as the third figure is not horizontally centered but stretched to the full device width, but the layout
function allows for a much more flexible configuration.
For example, the following layout definition :
R> layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,3), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))
R> plot(rnorm(100),col=1)
R> plot(rnorm(100),col=2)
R> plot(rnorm(100),col=3)
Gives the following result :
You can also use a "vertical" stretch with the following layout :
R> layout(matrix(c(1,3,2,3), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))
R> plot(rnorm(100),col=1)
R> plot(rnorm(100),col=2)
R> plot(rnorm(100),col=3)
Which gives :
Another workaround is to save your figure as a pdf and edit it with a tool like inscape to "center" your third figure.