You can use SetWindowsHookEx to set low level hooks to catch (specific) windows messages.
Specifically these hook-ids might be interesting for monitoring:
(4) Installs a hook procedure that monitors messages
before the system sends them to the destination window procedure. For
more information, see the CallWndProc hook procedure.
(12) Installs a hook procedure that monitors
messages after they have been processed by the destination window
procedure. For more information, see the CallWndRetProc hook
It's been a while since I've implemented it, but as an example I've posted the base class I use to hook specific messages. (For example, I've used it in a global mousewheel trapper, that makes sure my winforms apps behave the same as internet explorer: scroll the control underneath the cursor, instead of the active control).
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Subro.Win32;
namespace Subro
/// <summary>
/// Base class to relatively safely register global windows hooks
/// </summary>
public abstract class GlobalHookTrapper : FinalizerBase
[DllImport("user32", EntryPoint = "SetWindowsHookExA")]
static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, Delegate lpfn, IntPtr hmod, IntPtr dwThreadId);
[DllImport("user32", EntryPoint = "UnhookWindowsHookEx")]
private static extern int UnhookWindowsHookEx(IntPtr hHook);
[DllImport("user32", EntryPoint = "CallNextHookEx")]
static extern int CallNextHook(IntPtr hHook, int ncode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
static extern IntPtr GetCurrentThreadId();
IntPtr hook;
public readonly int HookId;
public readonly GlobalHookTypes HookType;
public GlobalHookTrapper(GlobalHookTypes Type):this(Type,false)
public GlobalHookTrapper(GlobalHookTypes Type, bool OnThread)
this.HookType = Type;
this.HookId = (int)Type;
del = ProcessMessage;
if (OnThread)
hook = SetWindowsHookEx(HookId, del, IntPtr.Zero, GetCurrentThreadId());
var hmod = IntPtr.Zero; // Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(GetType().Module);
hook = SetWindowsHookEx(HookId, del, hmod, IntPtr.Zero);
if (hook == IntPtr.Zero)
int err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if (err != 0)
protected virtual void OnHookFailed(int Error)
throw Win32Functions.TranslateError(Error);
private const int HC_ACTION = 0;
private MessageDelegate del;
private delegate int MessageDelegate(int code, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam);
private int ProcessMessage(int hookcode, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
if (HC_ACTION == hookcode)
if (Handle(wparam, lparam)) return 1;
catch { }
return CallNextHook(hook, hookcode, wparam, lparam);
protected abstract bool Handle(IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam);
protected override sealed void OnDispose()
protected virtual void AfterDispose()
public enum GlobalHookTypes
BeforeWindow = 4, //WH_CALLWNDPROC
AfterWindow = 12, //WH_CALLWNDPROCRET
KeyBoard = 2, //WH_KEYBOARD
KeyBoard_Global = 13, //WH_KEYBOARD_LL
Mouse = 7, //WH_MOUSE
Mouse_Global = 14, //WH_MOUSE_LL
JournalRecord = 0, //WH_JOURNALRECORD
JournalPlayback = 1, //WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK
ForeGroundIdle = 11, //WH_FOREGROUNDIDLE
SystemMessages = 6, //WH_SYSMSGFILTER
MessageQueue = 3, //WH_GETMESSAGE
ComputerBasedTraining = 5, //WH_CBT
Hardware = 8, //WH_HARDWARE
Debug = 9, //WH_DEBUG
Shell = 10, //WH_SHELL
public abstract class FinalizerBase : IDisposable
protected readonly AppDomain domain;
public FinalizerBase()
System.Windows.Forms.Application.ApplicationExit += new EventHandler(Application_ApplicationExit);
domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
domain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit);
domain.DomainUnload += new EventHandler(domain_DomainUnload);
private bool disposed;
public bool IsDisposed{get{return disposed;}}
public void Dispose()
if (!disposed)
if (domain != null)
domain.ProcessExit -= new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit);
domain.DomainUnload -= new EventHandler(domain_DomainUnload);
System.Windows.Forms.Application.ApplicationExit -= new EventHandler(Application_ApplicationExit);
disposed = true;
void Application_ApplicationExit(object sender, EventArgs e)
void domain_DomainUnload(object sender, EventArgs e)
void CurrentDomain_ProcessExit(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected abstract void OnDispose();
/// Destructor