It doesn't work because despite using Rx, your data layer is not reactive.
Realm by its nature is a reactive datasource, and its managed objects by nature are also mutable (updated in place by Realm), and thread-confined (can only be accessed on the same thread where the Realm was opened).
For your code to work, you'd need to copy out the data from the Realm.
public Single<List<ResponseZone>> entityList() {
return Single.fromCallable(() -> {
try(Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance()) {
return realm.copyFromRealm(realm.where(ResponseZone.class).findAll());
I took the liberty and represented your Single
as a Single
, considering it's not an Observable, it does not listen for changes, there is only 1 event and that is the list itself. So sending it through an ObservableEmitter
doesn't really make sense as it does not emit events.
Therefore, this is why I said: your data layer is not reactive. You are not listening for changes. You are just obtaining data directly, and you are never notified of any change; despite using Rx.
I drew some pictures in paint to illustrate my point. (blue means side-effects)
in your case, you call a one-off operation to retrieve the data from multiple data-sources (cache, local, remote). Once you obtain it, you don't listen for changes; technically if you edit the data in one place and another place, the only way to update is by "forcing the cache to retrieve the new data manually"; for which you must know that you modified the data somewhere else. For which you need a way to either directly call a callback, or send a message/event - a notification for change.
So in a way, you must create a cache invalidation notification event. And if you listen to that, the solution could be reactive again. Except you're doing this manually.
Considering Realm is already a reactive data source (similarly to SQLBrite for SQLite), it is able to provide change notifications by which you can "invalidate your cache".
In fact, if your local data source is the only source of data, and any write from network is a change that you listen to, then your "cache" can be written down as replay(1).publish().refCount()
(replay latest data for new subscribers, replace data with new if new data is evaluated) which is RxReplayingShare.
Using a Scheduler
created from the looper of a handler thread, you can listen to changes in the Realm on a background thread, creating a reactive data source that returns up-to-date unmanaged copies that you can pass between threads (although mapping directly to immutable domain models is preferred to copyFromRealm()
if you choose this route - the route being clean architecture).
return io.reactivex.Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<List<ResponseZone>>() {
public void subscribe(ObservableEmitter<List<ResponseZone>> emitter)
throws Exception {
final Realm observableRealm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
final RealmResults<ResponseZone> results = observableRealm.where(ResponseZone.class).findAllAsync();
final RealmChangeListener<RealmResults<ResponseZone>> listener = results -> {
if(!emitter.isDisposed()) {
if(results.isValid() && results.isLoaded()) {
emitter.setDisposable(Disposables.fromRunnable(() -> {
if(results.isValid()) {
// initial value will be handled by async query
Where looper scheduler is obtained as
handlerThread = new HandlerThread("LOOPER_SCHEDULER");
synchronized(handlerThread) {
looperScheduler = AndroidSchedulers.from(handlerThread.getLooper());
And that is how you create reactive clean architecture using Realm.
The LooperScheduler is only needed if you intend to actually enforce Clean Architecture on Realm. This is because Realm by default encourages you to use your data objects as domain models and as a benefit provides lazy-loaded thread-local views that mutate in place when updated; but Clean Architecture says you should use immutable domain models instead (independent from your data layer). So if you want to create reactive clean architecture where you copy from Realm on a background thread any time when Realm changes, then you'll need a looper scheduler (or observe on a background thread, but do the copying from a refreshed Realm on
With Realm, generally you'd want to use RealmObjects as your domain models, and rely on lazy-evaluation. In that case, you do not use copyFromRealm()
and you don't map the RealmResults to something else; but you can expose it as a Flowable
or a LiveData
You can read related stuff about this here.