I thought about using recursive CTE, but, as far as I know, it's not possible in SQL Server to use UNION
to connect anchor member and a recursive member of recursive CTE (I think it's possible to do in PostgreSQL), so it's not possible to eliminate duplicates.
declare @i int
with cte as (
row_number() over(order by Company) as rn
from Table1
update cte set GroupID = rn
select @i = @@rowcount
-- while some rows updated
while @i > 0
update T1 set
GroupID = T2.GroupID
from Table1 as T1
inner join (
select T2.Company, min(T2.GroupID) as GroupID
from Table1 as T2
group by T2.Company
) as T2 on T2.Company = T1.Company
where T1.GroupID > T2.GroupID
select @i = @@rowcount
update T1 set
GroupID = T2.GroupID
from Table1 as T1
inner join (
select T2.Publisher, min(T2.GroupID) as GroupID
from Table1 as T2
group by T2.Publisher
) as T2 on T2.Publisher = T1.Publisher
where T1.GroupID > T2.GroupID
-- will be > 0 if any rows updated
select @i = @i + @@rowcount
;with cte as (
dense_rank() over(order by GroupID) as rn
from Table1
update cte set GroupID = rn
sql fiddle demo
I've also tried a breadth first search algorithm. I thought it could be faster (it's better in terms of complexity), so I'll provide a solution here. I've found that it's not faster than SQL approach, though:
declare @Company nvarchar(2), @Publisher nvarchar(2), @GroupID int
declare @Queue table (
Company nvarchar(2), Publisher nvarchar(2), ID int identity(1, 1),
primary key(Company, Publisher)
select @GroupID = 0
while 1 = 1
select top 1 @Company = Company, @Publisher = Publisher
from Table1
where GroupID is null
if @@rowcount = 0 break
select @GroupID = @GroupID + 1
insert into @Queue(Company, Publisher)
select @Company, @Publisher
while 1 = 1
select top 1 @Company = Company, @Publisher = Publisher
from @Queue
order by ID asc
if @@rowcount = 0 break
update Table1 set
GroupID = @GroupID
where Company = @Company and Publisher = @Publisher
delete from @Queue where Company = @Company and Publisher = @Publisher
;with cte as (
select Company, Publisher from Table1 where Company = @Company and GroupID is null
union all
select Company, Publisher from Table1 where Publisher = @Publisher and GroupID is null
insert into @Queue(Company, Publisher)
select distinct c.Company, c.Publisher
from cte as c
where not exists (select * from @Queue as q where q.Company = c.Company and q.Publisher = c.Publisher)
sql fiddle demo
I've tested my version and Gordon Linoff's to check how it's perform. It looks like CTE is much worse, I couldn't wait while it's complete on more than 1000 rows.
Here's sql fiddle demo with random data. My results were:
128 rows:
my RBAR solution: 190ms
my SQL solution: 27ms
Gordon Linoff's solution: 958ms
256 rows:
my RBAR solution: 560ms
my SQL solution: 1226ms
Gordon Linoff's solution: 45371ms
It's random data, so results may be not very consistent. I think timing could be changed by indexes, but don't think it could change a whole picture.
old version - using temporary table, just calculating GroupID without touching initial table:
declare @i int
-- creating table to gather all possible GroupID for each row
create table #Temp
Company varchar(1), Publisher varchar(1), GroupID varchar(1),
primary key (Company, Publisher, GroupID)
-- initializing it with data
insert into #Temp (Company, Publisher, GroupID)
select Company, Publisher, Company
from Table1
select @i = @@rowcount
-- while some rows inserted into #Temp
while @i > 0
-- expand #Temp in both directions
;with cte as (
T2.Company, T1.Publisher,
T1.GroupID as GroupID1, T2.GroupID as GroupID2
from #Temp as T1
inner join #Temp as T2 on T2.Company = T1.Company
T1.Company, T2.Publisher,
T1.GroupID as GroupID1, T2.GroupID as GroupID2
from #Temp as T1
inner join #Temp as T2 on T2.Publisher = T1.Publisher
), cte2 as (
Company, Publisher,
case when GroupID1 < GroupID2 then GroupID1 else GroupID2 end as GroupID
from cte
insert into #Temp
select Company, Publisher, GroupID
from cte2
-- don't insert duplicates
select Company, Publisher, GroupID
from #Temp
-- will be > 0 if any row inserted
select @i = @@rowcount
Company, Publisher,
dense_rank() over(order by min(GroupID)) as GroupID
from #Temp
group by Company, Publisher
=> sql fiddle example