In general, you don't really want to violently kill a child thread, but instead you want to ask it to terminate. That way you can be sure that the child is quitting at a safe spot and all its resources are cleaned up.
I generally do this with a small piece of shared state between parent and child to allow the parent to communicate a "quit request" to each child. This can just be a boolean value for each child, protected by a mutex. The child checks this value periodically (every loop iteration, or whatever convenient checkpoints you have in your child thread). Upon seeing "quit_request" being true, the child thread cleans up and calls pthread_exit
On the parent side, the "kill_child" routine looks something like this:
acquire shared mutex
set quit_request to true
pthread_join the child
The pthread_join may take some time, depending on how frequently the child checks its quit request. Make sure your design can handle whatever the delay may be.