A way of solvng this problem would be using dynamic programming, You can solve this problem using dynamic programming, cf Minimum raggedness algorithm.
I used some of the informations you add when you eddited your post with :
Algorithm to divide text into 3 evenly-sized groups
Let name your text document="word1 word2 .... wordp"
n= number of line required
Cost function:
First you need to define a cost function of having word[i] to word[j] in the same line , you can take the same as the one as the one on wikipedia, with p=2 for example:
It represent the distance between the objective length of a line and the actual lenght.
The total cost function for the optimal solution can be defined with the following recursiion relation:
Solving the problem:
You can solve this problem using dynamic programming.
I took the code from the link you gave, and changed it a so you see what the program is using.
- At stage k you add words to line k.
- Then you look at the optimal cost of
having word i to j at line k.
- Once you've gone from line 1 to n,
you tacke the smallest cost in the
last step and you have your optimal
Here is the result from the code:
D=minragged('Just testing to see how this works.')
number of words: 7
stage : 0
word i to j in line 0 TotalCost (f(j))
i= 0 j= 0 121.0
i= 0 j= 1 49.0
i= 0 j= 2 1.0
i= 0 j= 3 16.0
i= 0 j= 4 64.0
i= 0 j= 5 144.0
i= 0 j= 6 289.0
i= 0 j= 7 576.0
stage : 1
word i to j in line 1 TotalCost (f(j))
i= 0 j= 0 242.0
i= 0 j= 1 170.0
i= 0 j= 2 122.0
i= 0 j= 3 137.0
i= 0 j= 4 185.0
i= 0 j= 5 265.0
i= 0 j= 6 410.0
i= 0 j= 7 697.0
i= 1 j= 2 65.0
i= 1 j= 3 50.0
i= 1 j= 4 58.0
i= 1 j= 5 98.0
i= 1 j= 6 193.0
i= 1 j= 7 410.0
i= 2 j= 4 26.0
i= 2 j= 5 2.0
i= 2 j= 6 17.0
i= 2 j= 7 122.0
i= 3 j= 7 80.0
stage : 2
word i to j in line 2 TotalCost (f(j))
i= 0 j= 7 818.0
i= 1 j= 7 531.0
i= 2 j= 7 186.0
i= 3 j= 7 114.0
i= 4 j= 7 42.0
i= 5 j= 7 2.0
reversing list
Just testing 12
to see how 10
this works. 11
- *There fore the best choice is to have words 5 to 7 in last line.(cf
- then words 2 to 5 in second line (cf
- then words 0 to 2 in first line (cf
stage 0).*
Reverse this and you get:
Just testing 12
to see how 10
this works. 11
Here is the code to print the reasonning,(in python sorry I don't use C#...but I someone actually translated the code in C#) :
def minragged(text, n=3):
words = text.split()
cumwordwidth = [0]
# cumwordwidth[-1] is the last element
for word in words:
cumwordwidth.append(cumwordwidth[-1] + len(word))
totalwidth = cumwordwidth[-1] + len(words) - 1 # len(words) - 1 spaces
linewidth = float(totalwidth - (n - 1)) / float(n) # n - 1 line breaks
print "number of words:", len(words)
def cost(i, j):
cost of a line words[i], ..., words[j - 1] (words[i:j])
actuallinewidth = max(j - i - 1, 0) + (cumwordwidth[j] - cumwordwidth[i])
return (linewidth - float(actuallinewidth)) ** P
printing the reasoning and reversing the return list
F={} # Total cost function
for stage in range(n):
print "------------------------------------"
print "stage :",stage
print "------------------------------------"
print "word i to j in line",stage,"TotalCost (f(j))"
print "------------------------------------"
if stage==0:
for j in range(i,len(words)+1):
print "i=",i,"j=",j,"",cost(i,j)
elif stage==(n-1):
F[stage]=[[float('inf'),0] for i in range(len(words)+1)]
for i in range(len(words)+1):
if F[stage-1][i][0]+cost(i,j)<F[stage][j][0]: #calculating min cost (cf f formula)
print "i=",i,"j=",j,"",F[stage][j][0]
F[stage]=[[float('inf'),0] for i in range(len(words)+1)]
for i in range(len(words)+1):
for j in range(i,len(words)+1):
if F[stage-1][i][0]+cost(i,j)<F[stage][j][0]:
print "i=",i,"j=",j,"",F[stage][j][0]
print 'reversing list'
print "------------------------------------"
for k in xrange(n-1,0,-1):#reverse loop from n-1 to 1
listWords.append(' '.join(words[F[k][a][1]:a]))
listWords.append(' '.join(words[0:a]))
for line in listWords:
print line, '',len(line)
return listWords