I ran into this problem aswell. The $_FILES
data is sent a diffent structure (due to the multiple=""
attribute) so codeigniter can't handle it. Prepend this before the uploading process:
$arr_files = @$_FILES['userfile'];
$_FILES = array();
foreach(array_keys($arr_files['name']) as $h)
$_FILES["file_{$h}"] = array( 'name' => $arr_files['name'][$h],
'type' => $arr_files['type'][$h],
'tmp_name' => $arr_files['tmp_name'][$h],
'error' => $arr_files['error'][$h],
'size' => $arr_files['size'][$h]);
Then in the loop function use this:
$arr_config = array( 'allowed_types' => 'gif|jpg|png',
'upload_path' => 'url_path/');
foreach(array_keys($_FILES) as $h) {
// Initiate config on upload library etc.
if ($this->upload->do_upload($h)) {
$arr_file_data = $this->upload->data();
I simply change the structure of $_FILES
to the common structure which is sent on a default <input type="file" />
and the run a loop, fetching all their key names.