Welcome to the world of regular expressions. You're basically going to want to use preg_replace to look for (some pattern) and replace with a string.
Here's something to start you off:
$text = preg_replace('/+?[0-9][0-9()-s+]{4,20}[0-9]/', '[blocked]', $text);
this looks for:
a plus symbol (optional), followed by a number, followed by between 4-20 numbers, brackets, dashes or spaces, followed by a number
and replaces with the string [blocked].
This catches all the obvious combinations I can think of:
012345 123123
+44 1234 123123
+44(0)123 123123
Placename 123456 (although this one will leave 'Placename')
however it will also strip out any succession of 6+ numbers, which might not be desirable!