Here is some circumstantial evidence that there is no API to get the "1511" string (other than reading it off the "ReleaseId" registry value). It's not an absolute proof, and it may not be the answer you sought, but that's what I have at this point.
Logging a "winver" run with sysinternals' ProcMon shows that the registry key is indeed queried, as @S?ren Kuklau indicated already.
winver.exe RegQueryValue HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionReleaseID SUCCESS Type: REG_SZ, Length: 10, Data: 1511
The call stack at the point of that RegQueryValueExW for "ReleaseID" is the following, as reported by ProcMon.
0 ntoskrnl.exe NtQueryInformationFile + 0x3d50
1 ntoskrnl.exe NtOpenThreadTokenEx + 0x258c
2 ntoskrnl.exe setjmpex + 0x3963
3 ntdll.dll ZwQueryValueKey + 0x14
4 KernelBase.dll MapPredefinedHandleInternal + 0x729
5 KernelBase.dll RegQueryValueExW + 0xed
6 SHCore.dll SHQueryValueExW + 0xdd
7 SHCore.dll SHQueryValueExW + 0x32
8 shell32.dll Ordinal897 + 0x86f
9 shell32.dll Ordinal897 + 0xb8b
10 shell32.dll Ordinal897 + 0x304
11 user32.dll IsDialogMessageW + 0x76e
12 user32.dll IsDialogMessageW + 0x941
13 user32.dll IsDialogMessageW + 0x866
14 user32.dll DispatchMessageW + 0x689
15 user32.dll SendMessageW + 0x395
16 user32.dll SetWindowLongPtrA + 0x979
17 user32.dll DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 0x18c
18 user32.dll DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 0x52
19 user32.dll DialogBoxParamW + 0x85
20 shell32.dll SHELL32_PifMgr_OpenProperties + 0x223d
21 shell32.dll ShellAboutW + 0x72
22 winver.exe winver.exe + 0x11d3
23 winver.exe winver.exe + 0x1516
24 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x22
25 ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart + 0x34
So, winver.exe calls ShellAboutW from shell32.dll, which opens the dialog and fills-in the data. While doing this, it reads the "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionReleaseID" registry value, which returns "1511".
The value name "ReleaseID" is indeed found as a hardcoded string in shell32.dll. Moreover, the only other System32 DLLs that carry a "ReleaseId" string are SettingsHandlers_nt.dll and WSShared.dll - but neither is loaded by winver.exe, and both have different capitalizations for "ReleaseID" (lowercase "d" at the end, for one thing). This strongly hints that:
(a) the string passed into RegQueryValueExW is the one hardcoded in shell32.dll;
(b) other MS code has the similar string hardcoded, presumably because there is no API to get it.
This still leaves open the possiblity that the same "1511" information (or at least the "ReleaseID" value name) could conceivably be exposed by shell32.dll through some other API. It is possible, for example, that one of the "Ordinal897" calls at offsets 8, 9, 10 in the call stack may in fact be a function like "GetWin10RelID(LPTSTR lpRellD, int nMaxChars);" and it is also possible that it might get exported by name instead of ordinal and be documented in future SDKs. However, for the time being those are anonymous functions exported by ordinal, with no documentation, and no guarantee that they'll even keep the same ordinal next time shell32.dll is updated.