You can access the interior color of the fomatting conditions (not what the cell currently is) like so, assuming there this is the first condition applied on the cell:
Here's a function that will return the color codes for all the conditional formats a cell contains. It will return nothing if there are no conditions, and if there is a condition but no color is set for it, then it tells you "none".
Function ConditionalColor(ByVal cell As Range)
Dim colors As String
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Range(cell.Address).FormatConditions.count
If Range(cell.Address).FormatConditions(i).Interior.Color <> 0 Then
colors = colors & "Condition " & i & ": " & _
Range(cell.Address).FormatConditions(i).Interior.Color & vbLf
colors = colors & "Condition " & i & ": None" & vbLf
End If
If Len(colors) <> 0 Then
colors = Left(colors, Len(colors) - 1)
End If
ConditionalColor = colors
End Function
In case you are curious (I was), the color code that Excel uses is actually BGR, not RGB. So if you wanted to convert the code to RGB values, you can use this:
Function GetRGB(ByVal cell As range) As String
Dim R As String, G As String
Dim B As String, hexColor As String
hexCode = Hex(cell.Interior.Color)
'Note the order excel uses for hex is BGR.
B = Val("&H" & Mid(hexCode, 1, 2))
G = Val("&H" & Mid(hexCode, 3, 2))
R = Val("&H" & Mid(hexCode, 5, 2))
GetRGB = R & ":" & G & ":" & B
End Function