Take a look at the ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter SAP Docs or MSDN Docs for how to specify the PrinterName and then Print using the ReportDocument object.
If you can try and get away from how the FoxPro app UI for printer selection. Instead use the standard print dialog box to select the printer.
You should note that if you don't set the PrinterName before sending the report to the printer it will use the default on the crystal file. Not to be confused with the user's OS default printer.
Here's an example of showing the PrintDialog settings some parameters using the SetParameterValue method and then sending the report document to a printer
// Note: untested
var dialog = new PrintDialog();
Nullable<bool> print = dialog.ShowDialog();
if (print.HasValue && print.Value)
var rd = new ReportDocument();
rd.SetParameter("Parameter1", "abc");
rd.SetParameter("Parameter2", "foo");
rd.PrintOptions.PrinterName = dialog.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
rd.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 0, 0);