One way would be to examine the .base
attribute of the array, which references the object from which an array "borrows" its memory. For example:
x = np.arange(1000)
print(x.flags.owndata) # x "owns" its data
# True
print(x.base is None) # its base is therefore 'None'
# True
a = x.reshape(100, 10) # a is a reshaped view onto x
print(a.flags.owndata) # it therefore "borrows" its data
# False
print(a.base is x) # its .base is x
# True
Things are slightly more complicated with np.lib.stride_tricks
b = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(x, [1000,100,100], strides=x.strides + (0, 0))
# False
# <numpy.lib.stride_tricks.DummyArray object at 0x7fb40c02b0f0>
Here, b.base
is a numpy.lib.stride_tricks.DummyArray
instance, which looks like this:
class DummyArray(object):
"""Dummy object that just exists to hang __array_interface__ dictionaries
and possibly keep alive a reference to a base array.
def __init__(self, interface, base=None):
self.__array_interface__ = interface
self.base = base
We can therefore examine b.base.base
print(b.base.base is x)
# True
Once you have the base array then its .nbytes
attribute should accurately reflect the amount of memory it occupies.
In principle it's possible to have a view of a view of an array, or to create a strided array from another strided array. Assuming that your view or strided array is ultimately backed by another numpy array, you could recursively reference its .base
attribute. Once you find an object whose .base
is None
, you have found the underlying object from which your array is borrowing its memory:
def find_base_nbytes(obj):
if obj.base is not None:
return find_base_nbytes(obj.base)
return obj.nbytes
As expected,
# 8000
# 8000
# 8000