You are almost there, but you forgot to make div focused. This is the steps:
0.- Make your div focusable adding tabindex
@ref="myDiv" >
<h1 class="display-4">
1.- Create a js code to set focus to your div, on _Host.cshtml
for example:
window.SetFocusToElement = (element) => {
This function takes an Element reference as the parameter.
2.- Call this function after your component is rendered.
protected ElementReference myDiv; // set by the @ref attribute
protected async override Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("SetFocusToElement", myDiv);
3.- Implement your own KeyDown
protected void KeyDown(KeyboardEventArgs e)
letter = $"Pressed: [{e.Key}]";
Notice that this is not a Blazor issue, is just the default html and js behavior. I learned it writing a game, check it out at Blagario lab.
Demo at Flappy Blazor Bird
Edited Nov 2019:
Code improved by @Quango (many thanks)