I modified the align_plots
function from the cowplot package for this, so that its plot_grid
function can now support adjustments to the dimensions of each plot.
(The main reason I went with cowplot rather than patchwork is that I haven't had much tinkering experience with the latter, and overloading common operators like +
makes me slightly nervous.)
Demonstration of results
# x / y axis range of p1 / p2 have been changed for illustration purpose
p1 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, 1 + stat(count))) +
geom_density(trim = TRUE) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(10,35)) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(1, 3.5))
p2 <- ggplot(filter(mtcars, mpg >= 15 & mpg < 30), aes(mpg)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 1, boundary = 1)
plot_grid(p1, p2, ncol = 1, align = "v") # plots in 1 column, x-axes aligned
plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow = 1, align = "h") # plots in 1 row, y-axes aligned
Plots in 1 column (x-axes aligned for 15-28 range):
Plots in 1 row (y-axes aligned for 1 - 3.5 range):
This hack assumes the plots that the user intends to align (either horizontally or vertically) have reasonably similar axes of comparable magnitude. I haven't tested it on more extreme cases.
This hack expects simple non-faceted plots in Cartesian coordinates. I'm not sure what one could expect from aligning faceted plots. Similarly, I'm not considering polar coordinates (what's there to align?) or map projections (haven't looked into this, but they feel rather complicated).
This hack expects the gtable cell containing the plot panel to be in the 7th row / 5th column of the gtable object, which is based on my understanding of how ggplot objects are typically converted to gtables, and may not survive changes to the underlying code.
Modified version of cowplot::align_plots
align_plots_modified <- function (..., plotlist = NULL, align = c("none", "h", "v", "hv"),
axis = c("none", "l", "r", "t", "b", "lr", "tb", "tblr"),
greedy = TRUE) {
plots <- c(list(...), plotlist)
num_plots <- length(plots)
grobs <- lapply(plots, function(x) {
if (!is.null(x)) as_gtable(x)
else NULL
halign <- switch(align[1], h = TRUE, vh = TRUE, hv = TRUE, FALSE)
valign <- switch(align[1], v = TRUE, vh = TRUE, hv = TRUE, FALSE)
vcomplex_align <- hcomplex_align <- FALSE
if (valign) {
# modification: get x-axis value range associated with each plot, create union of
# value ranges across all plots, & calculate the proportional width of each plot
# (with white space on either side) required in order for the plots to align
plot.x.range <- lapply(plots, function(x) ggplot_build(x)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x.range)
full.range <- range(plot.x.range)
plot.x.range <- lapply(plot.x.range,
function(x) c(diff(c(full.range[1], x[1]))/ diff(full.range),
diff(x)/ diff(full.range),
diff(c(x[2], full.range[2]))/ diff(full.range)))
num_widths <- unique(lapply(grobs, function(x) {
num_widths[num_widths == 0] <- NULL
if (length(num_widths) > 1 || length(grep("l|r", axis[1])) > 0) {
vcomplex_align = TRUE
warning("Method not implemented for faceted plots. Placing unaligned.")
valign <- FALSE
else {
max_widths <- list(do.call(grid::unit.pmax,
lapply(grobs, function(x) {x$widths})))
if (halign) {
# modification: get y-axis value range associated with each plot, create union of
# value ranges across all plots, & calculate the proportional width of each plot
# (with white space on either side) required in order for the plots to align
plot.y.range <- lapply(plots, function(x) ggplot_build(x)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range)
full.range <- range(plot.y.range)
plot.y.range <- lapply(plot.y.range,
function(x) c(diff(c(full.range[1], x[1]))/ diff(full.range),
diff(x)/ diff(full.range),
diff(c(x[2], full.range[2]))/ diff(full.range)))
num_heights <- unique(lapply(grobs, function(x) {
num_heights[num_heights == 0] <- NULL
if (length(num_heights) > 1 || length(grep("t|b", axis[1])) > 0) {
hcomplex_align = TRUE
warning("Method not implemented for faceted plots. Placing unaligned.")
halign <- FALSE
else {
max_heights <- list(do.call(grid::unit.pmax,
lapply(grobs, function(x) {x$heights})))
for (i in 1:num_plots) {
if (!is.null(grobs[[i]])) {
if (valign) {
grobs[[i]]$widths <- max_widths[[1]]
# modification: change panel cell's width to a proportion of unit(1, "null"),
# then add whitespace to the left / right of the plot's existing gtable
grobs[[i]]$widths[[5]] <- unit(plot.x.range[[i]][2], "null")
grobs[[i]] <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(grobs[[i]],
widths = unit(plot.x.range[[i]][1], "null"),
pos = 0)
grobs[[i]] <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(grobs[[i]],
widths = unit(plot.x.range[[i]][3], "null"),
pos = -1)
if (halign) {
grobs[[i]]$heights <- max_heights[[1]]
# modification: change panel cell's height to a proportion of unit(1, "null"),
# then add whitespace to the bottom / top of the plot's existing gtable
grobs[[i]]$heights[[7]] <- unit(plot.y.range[[i]][2], "null")
grobs[[i]] <- gtable::gtable_add_rows(grobs[[i]],
heights = unit(plot.y.range[[i]][1], "null"),
pos = -1)
grobs[[i]] <- gtable::gtable_add_rows(grobs[[i]],
heights = unit(plot.y.range[[i]][3], "null"),
pos = 0)
Utilising the above modified function with cowplot package's plot_grid
# To start using (in current R session only; effect will not carry over to subsequent session)
trace(cowplot::plot_grid, edit = TRUE)
# In the pop-up window, change `grobs <- align_plots(...)` (at around line 27) to
# `grobs <- align_plots_modified(...)`
# To stop using
(Alternatively, we can define a modified version of plot_grid
function that uses align_plots_modified
instead of cowplot::align_plots
. Results would be the same either way.)