Here is a piece of code that allows to do this, and an exemple:
string path = GetAssemblyPath("System.DirectoryServices");
Note if you need a specific processor architecture, since it supports partial name, you can write this kind of things:
// load from the 32-bit GAC
string path = GetAssemblyPath("Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc, ProcessorArchitecture=X86");
// load from the 64-bit GAC
string path = GetAssemblyPath("Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc, ProcessorArchitecture=AMD64");
This is the implementation:
/// <summary>
/// Gets an assembly path from the GAC given a partial name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">An assembly partial name. May not be null.</param>
/// <returns>
/// The assembly path if found; otherwise null;
/// </returns>
public static string GetAssemblyPath(string name)
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
string finalName = name;
AssemblyInfo aInfo = new AssemblyInfo();
aInfo.cchBuf = 1024; // should be fine...
aInfo.currentAssemblyPath = new String('', aInfo.cchBuf);
IAssemblyCache ac;
int hr = CreateAssemblyCache(out ac, 0);
if (hr >= 0)
hr = ac.QueryAssemblyInfo(0, finalName, ref aInfo);
if (hr < 0)
return null;
return aInfo.currentAssemblyPath;
[ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), Guid("e707dcde-d1cd-11d2-bab9-00c04f8eceae")]
private interface IAssemblyCache
void Reserved0();
int QueryAssemblyInfo(int flags, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string assemblyName, ref AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo);
private struct AssemblyInfo
public int cbAssemblyInfo;
public int assemblyFlags;
public long assemblySizeInKB;
public string currentAssemblyPath;
public int cchBuf; // size of path buf.
private static extern int CreateAssemblyCache(out IAssemblyCache ppAsmCache, int reserved);