I had the same issue. After going through many (like way too many) solutions to this issue found elsewhere, I manage to figure out a solution that at least works in my case.
Step1: check the correct executable path of the anaconda environment.
Go on command line, activate the conda environment that is problematic, and check the correct executable path for the environment.
conda activate {envronment name};
then on python console,
(>>>)import sys;sys.executable
For instance on Linux it will be
/media/{username}/{path-to}/anaconda3/envs/{environment name}/bin/python
Step2: correct the executable path for jupyter sessions.
From command line, check the path where kernel.json
of your problematic conda environment is located.
jupyter kernelspec list
For instance on Linux it will be: /home/{username}/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/{environment name}
Open the kernel.json
located in that folder and replace the incorrect executable path, as shown below.
"argv": [
"display_name": "environment name",
"language": "python"
Hope this works in your case too.