Here's a fully worked example of a "persistent" kernel, producer-consumer approach, with a double-buffered interface from device (producer) to host (consumer).
Persistent kernel design generally implies launching kernels with, at most, the number of blocks that can be simultaneously resident on the hardware (see item 1 on slide 16 here). For the most efficient usage of the machine, we'd generally like to maximize this, while still staying within the aforementioned limit. This involves an occupancy study for a specific kernel, and it will vary from kernel to kernel. Therefore I've chosen to take a shortcut here, and simply launch as many blocks as there are multiprocessors. Such an approach is always guaranteed to work (it could be considered a "lower bound" on the number of blocks to launch for a persistent kernel), but is (typically) not the most efficient usage of the machine. Nevertheless, I claim the occupancy study is beside the point of your question. Furthermore, it is arguable that proper "persistent kernel" design with guaranteed forward progress is actually quite tricky - requiring careful design of the CUDA thread code and placement of threadblocks (e.g. only use 1 threadblock per SM) to guarantee forward progress. However we don't need to delve to this level to address your question (I don't think) and the persistent kernel example I propose here only places 1 threadblock per SM.
I'm also assuming a proper UVA setup, so that I can skip the details of arranging for proper mapped memory allocations in an non-UVA setup.
The basic idea is that we will have 2 buffers on the device, along with 2 "mailboxes" in mapped memory, one for each buffer. The device kernel will fill a buffer with data, then set the "mailbox" to a value (2, in this case) that indicates the host may "consume" the buffer. The device then goes on to the other buffer and repeats the process in a ping-pong fashion between buffers. In order to make this work we must make sure that the device itself has not overrun the buffers (no thread is allowed to be more than one buffer ahead of any other thread) and that before a buffer is populated by the device, the host has consumed the previous contents.
On the host side, it is simply waiting for the mailbox to indicate "full", then copying the buffer from device to host, reset the mailbox, and perform the "processing" on it (the validate
function). It then goes on to the next buffer in a ping-pong fashion. The actual data "production" by the device is just to fill each buffer with the iteration number. The host then checks to see that the proper iteration number was received.
I've structured the code to call out the actual device "work" function (my_compute_function
) which is where you would put whatever your Monte Carlo code is. If your code is nicely thread-independent, this should be straightforward. Thus the device side my_compute_function
is the producer function, and the host side validate
is the consumer function. If your device producer code is not simply thread independent, then you may need to restructure things slightly around the calling point to my_compute_function
The net effect of this is that the device can "race ahead" and begin filling the next buffer, while the host is "consuming" the data in the previous buffer.
Because persistent kernel design imposes an upper bound on the number of blocks (and threads) in a kernel launch, I've chosen to implement the "work" producer function in a grid-striding loop, so that arbitrary size buffers can be handled by the given grid-width.
Here's a fully worked example:
$ cat
#include <stdio.h>
#define ITERS 1000
#define DSIZE 65536
#define nTPB 256
#define cudaCheckErrors(msg)
do {
cudaError_t __err = cudaGetLastError();
if (__err != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: %s (%s at %s:%d)
msg, cudaGetErrorString(__err),
__FILE__, __LINE__);
fprintf(stderr, "*** FAILED - ABORTING
} while (0)
__device__ volatile int blkcnt1 = 0;
__device__ volatile int blkcnt2 = 0;
__device__ volatile int itercnt = 0;
__device__ void my_compute_function(int *buf, int idx, int data){
buf[idx] = data; // put your work code here
__global__ void testkernel(int *buffer1, int *buffer2, volatile int *buffer1_ready, volatile int *buffer2_ready, const int buffersize, const int iterations){
// assumption of persistent block-limited kernel launch
int idx = threadIdx.x+blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
int iter_count = 0;
while (iter_count < iterations ){ // persistent until iterations complete
int *buf = (iter_count & 1)? buffer2:buffer1; // ping pong between buffers
volatile int *bufrdy = (iter_count & 1)?(buffer2_ready):(buffer1_ready);
volatile int *blkcnt = (iter_count & 1)?(&blkcnt2):(&blkcnt1);
int my_idx = idx;
while (iter_count - itercnt > 1); // don't overrun buffers on device
while (*bufrdy == 2); // wait for buffer to be consumed
while (my_idx < buffersize){ // perform the "work"
my_compute_function(buf, my_idx, iter_count);
my_idx += gridDim.x*blockDim.x; // grid-striding loop
__syncthreads(); // wait for my block to finish
__threadfence(); // make sure global buffer writes are "visible"
if (!threadIdx.x) atomicAdd((int *)blkcnt, 1); // mark my block done
if (!idx){ // am I the master block/thread?
while (*blkcnt < gridDim.x); // wait for all blocks to finish
*blkcnt = 0;
*bufrdy = 2; // indicate that buffer is ready
__threadfence_system(); // push it out to mapped memory
int validate(const int *data, const int dsize, const int val){
for (int i = 0; i < dsize; i++) if (data[i] != val) {printf("mismatch at %d, was: %d, should be: %d
", i, data[i], val); return 0;}
return 1;
int main(){
int *h_buf1, *d_buf1, *h_buf2, *d_buf2;
volatile int *m_bufrdy1, *m_bufrdy2;
// buffer and "mailbox" setup
cudaHostAlloc(&h_buf1, DSIZE*sizeof(int), cudaHostAllocDefault);
cudaHostAlloc(&h_buf2, DSIZE*sizeof(int), cudaHostAllocDefault);
cudaHostAlloc(&m_bufrdy1, sizeof(int), cudaHostAllocMapped);
cudaHostAlloc(&m_bufrdy2, sizeof(int), cudaHostAllocMapped);
cudaCheckErrors("cudaHostAlloc fail");
cudaMalloc(&d_buf1, DSIZE*sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc(&d_buf2, DSIZE*sizeof(int));
cudaCheckErrors("cudaMalloc fail");
cudaStream_t streamk, streamc;
cudaCheckErrors("cudaStreamCreate fail");
*m_bufrdy1 = 0;
*m_bufrdy2 = 0;
cudaMemset(d_buf1, 0xFF, DSIZE*sizeof(int));
cudaMemset(d_buf2, 0xFF, DSIZE*sizeof(int));
cudaCheckErrors("cudaMemset fail");
// inefficient crutch for choosing number of blocks
int nblock = 0;
cudaDeviceGetAttribute(&nblock, cudaDevAttrMultiProcessorCount, 0);
cudaCheckErrors("get multiprocessor count fail");
testkernel<<<nblock, nTPB, 0, streamk>>>(d_buf1, d_buf2, m_bufrdy1, m_bufrdy2, DSIZE, ITERS);
cudaCheckErrors("kernel launch fail");
volatile int *bufrdy;
int *hbuf, *dbuf;
for (int i = 0; i < ITERS; i++){
if (i & 1){ // ping pong on the host side
bufrdy = m_bufrdy2;
hbuf = h_buf2;
dbuf = d_buf2;}
else {
bufrdy = m_bufrdy1;
hbuf = h_buf1;
dbuf = d_buf1;}
// int qq = 0; // add for failsafe - otherwise a machine failure can hang
while ((*bufrdy)!= 2); // use this for a failsafe: if (++qq > 1000000) {printf("bufrdy = %d
", *bufrdy); return 0;} // wait for buffer to be full;
cudaMemcpyAsync(hbuf, dbuf, DSIZE*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, streamc);
cudaCheckErrors("cudaMemcpyAsync fail");
*bufrdy = 0; // release buffer back to device
if (!validate(hbuf, DSIZE, i)) {printf("validation failure at iter %d
", i); exit(1);}
printf("Completed %d iterations successfully
", ITERS);
$ nvcc -o t942
$ ./t942
Completed 1000 iterations successfully
I've tested the above code and it seems to work well on linux. I believe it should be OK on a windows TCC setup. On windows WDDM, however, I think there are issues that I am still investigating.
Note that the above kernel design attempts to do a grid-wide synchronization using a block-counting atomic strategy. CUDA now (9.0 and newer) has cooperative groups, and that is the recommended approach, rather than the above methodology, to create a grid-wide sync.