Well, there are really just two things that have to happen: plotOutput
should be called to create the div for the actual output, and renderPlot
needs to be called to format the plot in the correct way. So, here are a some functions that can do this dynamically, and let you play with the width/height/number of columns, similar to the multiplot, only in a shiny way. Refer to this gist as well.
I separated things into functions, but it could be just put straight into the server function as well.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the width and height entry boxes are text, and should be valid CSS, so it could be 10, 10px, or 10% for example.
## Some sample data
dat <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(runif(100),10)), letters[1:10])
dat$time <- seq(nrow(dat))
## Make some random plots because it looks cooler
## But you would just define your 10 different plots
rndmPlot <- function(input)
sample(list(geom_line(), geom_bar(stat='identity'), geom_point(), geom_jitter(),
geom_density(aes_string(x=input$var), inherit.aes=FALSE)), 1)
makePlotContainers <- function(n, ncol=2, prefix="plot", height=100, width="100%", ...) {
## Validate inputs
## Construct plotOutputs
lst <- lapply(seq.int(n), function(i)
plotOutput(sprintf('%s_%g', prefix, i), height=height, width=width))
## Make columns
lst <- lapply(split(lst, (seq.int(n)-1)%/%ncol), function(x) column(12/ncol, x))
do.call(tagList, lst)
renderPlots <- function(n, input, output, prefix="plot") {
for (i in seq.int(n)) {
ii <- i # need i evaluated here
## These would be your 10 plots instead
output[[sprintf('%s_%g', prefix, ii)]] <- renderPlot({
ggplot(dat, aes_string(x='time', y=input$var)) + rndmPlot(input)
ui <- shinyUI(
sliderInput('nplots', 'Number of Plots', min=1, max=10, value=8),
selectInput("var", label = "Choose", choices=letters[1:10]),
textInput('height', 'Plot Height', value="100"),
textInput('width', 'Width', value="100%"),
sliderInput('ncol', 'Columns', min=1, max=3, value=2)
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$plots <- renderUI({
makePlotContainers(input$nplots, ncol=input$ncol, height=input$height, width=input$width)
observeEvent(input$nplots, renderPlots(input$nplots, input, output))
shinyApp(ui, server)