Thumbs Up for Ardman's answer. Perfect.
To add a slight modification to it I would like to add modification to it where you can find the type of drive. It should cater your problem.
DriveInfo[] mydrives = DriveInfo.GetDrives();
foreach (DriveInfo mydrive in mydrives)
if (mydrive.DriveType == DriveType.Removable)
Removable disk");
Console.WriteLine("Drive: {0}", mydrive.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", mydrive.DriveType);
Non Removable disk
Console.WriteLine("Drive: {0}", mydrive.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", mydrive.DriveType);
Or if you want to get the drive names specifically you can do like this too. Please mind that these were examples from web so that the particular authors should get the credit. What I have done is creating a complete program using those code snippets so that you can understand.
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern bool GetVolumeInformation(string Volume, StringBuilder VolumeName, uint VolumeNameSize,out uint SerialNumber, out uint SerialNumberLength, out uint flags,StringBuilder fs, uint fs_size);
First write this function as it is. It uses the kernel32.dll to retreive the drive info.
Then in the main function you can simply add these codes (If it's a console application or if you have a GUI do appropriately.)
uint serialNum, serialNumLength, flags;
StringBuilder volumename = new StringBuilder(256);
StringBuilder fstype = new StringBuilder(256);
bool ok = false;
//Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
foreach (string drives in Environment.GetLogicalDrives())
ok = GetVolumeInformation(drives, volumename, (uint)volumename.Capacity - 1, out serialNum,
out serialNumLength, out flags, fstype, (uint)fstype.Capacity - 1);
if (ok)
Console.WriteLine( "
Volume Information of " + drives + "
Console.WriteLine( "
SerialNumber of is..... " + serialNum.ToString() + "
if (volumename != null)
Console.WriteLine("VolumeName is..... " + volumename.ToString() + "
if (fstype != null)
Console.WriteLine( "FileType is..... " + fstype.ToString() + "
ok = false;
I guess this should be a complete answer for you.