You want "all rows within a 5-mile radius of a coordinate", so this is not exactly a K-nearest-neighbour (KNN) problem. Related, but your case is simpler. "Find the 10 rows closest to my coordinates" would be a KNN problem.
Convert your coordinates to geography
ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(longitude, latitude),4326)::geography
Alternatively you could use the simpler geometry
type. Consider:
4.2.2. When to use Geography Data type over Geometry data type
Then we have a table like:
tbl_id serial PRIMARY KEY
, geog geography NOT NULL
All you need is ST_DWithin()
- and a spatial index to make it fast:
CREATE INDEX tbl_geog_gist ON tbl USING gist(geog);
SELECT *, ST_Distance(c.x, geog) AS distance -- distance is optional
FROM tbl t, (SELECT ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(-72.63 42.06)')) AS c(x)
WHERE ST_DWithin(c.x, geog, 8045) -- distance in meter
ORDER BY distance; -- order is optional, you did not ask for that
Or you can use your original columns and create a functional index ...
This and other details in this closely related answer on dba.SE: