I'm trying to make some customization in a Shopify theme (the Brooklyn one). In this theme, there is a file theme.js.liquid
in which they import the slicker:
_ _ _ _
___| (_) ___| | __ (_)___
/ __| | |/ __| |/ / | / __|
\__ | | (__| < _ | \__
|___/_|_|\___|_|\_(_)/ |___/
Version: 1.8.1
Author: Ken Wheeler
Website: http://kenwheeler.github.io
Docs: http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick
Repo: http://github.com/kenwheeler/slick
Issues: http://github.com/kenwheeler/slick/issues
!function(i){"use strict";"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],i):"undefined"!=typeof exports?module.exports=i(require("jquery")):i(jQuery)}(function(i){"use strict";var e=window.Slick||{};(e=function(){var e=0;return function(t,o){var s,n=this;n.defaults={accessibility:!0,adaptiveHeight:!1,appendArrows:i(t),appendDots:i(t),arrows:!0,asNavFor:null,prevArrow:
I cut the end of the line because it's way too long.
Then in the chrome console, if I do:
It returns:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'slickUnfilter' of undefined at n.fn.init.i.fn.slick
And I got this error for any slick function (like 'slickFilter', 'slickAdd', 'slickRemove', ...).
I searched for this error and from what I understood it's because those methods are defined but not initialized, or because there are initialized twice. However the slicker is imported within the theme and it should have been done correctly. What can I do then?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: As it was pointed out, there was 2 sliders (one on the home page and one on another page). And when I was coding in the chrome console, I was on the other page. This is why I got the last error, because I guess the slider was already initialized in the main page. The solution was to give them distinct names.