The implementation below partially answers the question, in that it is a single-precision implementation of sine, using the formula suggested in the question, that is accurate to 0.53 ULP over [0 … 1.57], and accurate to 0.5 ULP for 99.98% of its arguments over this range.
Specifically, I get the output:
error 285758762/536870912 ULP sin(2.11219326e-01) ref:2.09652290e-01 new:2.09652275e-01
differences: 176880 / 1070134723
Meaning the error was never more than 285/536 of an ULP (about 0.53 ULP), and 176880 is the number of arguments where the error was above 0.5 ULP, out of a total of 1070134723 arguments.
It does not seem possible to achieve this sort of result with the plain sin(Cn) * cos(h) + cos(Cn) * sin(h)
formula and only single-precision computations. The article cited in the question alludes to “the term c0*h
being evaluated in an extended precision” in order to achieve overall accuracy.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
float c_cos_sin[][3] = {
// 0x0.000000000p+0 /* 0.000000 */, 0x1.000000p+0, 0x0.000000p+0,
// 0x0.00fb76590p+2 /* 0.015348 */, 0x1.fff090p-1, 0x1.f6e7a4p-7,
// 0x0.01fd02f80p+2 /* 0.031068 */, 0x1.ffc0c0p-1, 0x1.fcee02p-6,
// 0x0.0302f6280p+2 /* 0.047056 */, 0x1.ff6eeap-1, 0x1.8156aap-5,
// 0x0.04029a400p+2 /* 0.062659 */, 0x1.fefec8p-1, 0x1.007b94p-4,
// 0x0.0500a9d80p+2 /* 0.078165 */, 0x1.fe6fcap-1, 0x1.3fd706p-4,
// 0x0.060215b80p+2 /* 0.093877 */, 0x1.fdbedcp-1, 0x1.7ff4e8p-4,
// 0x0.070225580p+2 /* 0.109506 */, 0x1.fceee8p-1, 0x1.bfa3fcp-4,
// 0x0.080460e00p+2 /* 0.125267 */, 0x1.fbfcf6p-1, 0x1.ffc0f6p-4,
// 0x0.08fed4a00p+2 /* 0.140554 */, 0x1.faf372p-1, 0x1.1ee830p-3,
// 0x0.0a0054100p+2 /* 0.156270 */, 0x1.f9c2d8p-1, 0x1.3ebd74p-3,
// 0x0.0afc8eb00p+2 /* 0.171665 */, 0x1.f87978p-1, 0x1.5dd872p-3,
0x0.0bff5db00p+2 /* 0.187461 */, 0x1.f707b0p-1, 0x1.7dad14p-3,
0x0.0cfe70200p+2 /* 0.203030 */, 0x1.f57bcep-1, 0x1.9cf438p-3,
0x0.0e024ef00p+2 /* 0.218891 */, 0x1.f3c87ap-1, 0x1.bcb7a0p-3,
0x0.0efeab400p+2 /* 0.234294 */, 0x1.f202ecp-1, 0x1.db74a8p-3,
0x0.10003da00p+2 /* 0.250015 */, 0x1.f014d0p-1, 0x1.fab664p-3,
0x0.110242c00p+2 /* 0.265763 */, 0x1.ee0660p-1, 0x1.0cf2f4p-2,
0x0.12055d400p+2 /* 0.281577 */, 0x1.ebd62ap-1, 0x1.1c8a4ap-2,
0x0.13025de00p+2 /* 0.297019 */, 0x1.e994c2p-1, 0x1.2bb212p-2,
0x0.13fc96600p+2 /* 0.312292 */, 0x1.e73c4ep-1, 0x1.3a9d34p-2,
0x0.15014c400p+2 /* 0.328204 */, 0x1.e4abbcp-1, 0x1.4a1472p-2,
0x0.15fe27a00p+2 /* 0.343637 */, 0x1.e210eep-1, 0x1.58fffep-2,
0x0.1703b1200p+2 /* 0.359600 */, 0x1.df4050p-1, 0x1.685884p-2,
0x0.180296e00p+2 /* 0.375158 */, 0x1.dc63e8p-1, 0x1.7736b2p-2,
0x0.18fc8a600p+2 /* 0.390414 */, 0x1.d9790cp-1, 0x1.85b472p-2,
0x0.19ffac000p+2 /* 0.406230 */, 0x1.d654fap-1, 0x1.94a1ecp-2,
0x0.1aff07c00p+2 /* 0.421816 */, 0x1.d31f26p-1, 0x1.a33e6ap-2,
0x0.1c0162800p+2 /* 0.437585 */, 0x1.cfc21ep-1, 0x1.b1ec42p-2,
0x0.1cfe63200p+2 /* 0.453027 */, 0x1.cc5a50p-1, 0x1.c0317ep-2,
0x0.1e0153a00p+2 /* 0.468831 */, 0x1.c8c0f4p-1, 0x1.ceb01ep-2,
0x0.1efe6d800p+2 /* 0.484279 */, 0x1.c52024p-1, 0x1.dcbe7ep-2,
0x0.1ffde5600p+2 /* 0.499872 */, 0x1.c15a92p-1, 0x1.ead0fcp-2,
0x0.20fa9ac00p+2 /* 0.515296 */, 0x1.bd83eap-1, 0x1.f89e82p-2,
0x0.220491000p+2 /* 0.531529 */, 0x1.b95c6cp-1, 0x1.038212p-1,
0x0.22ff9c800p+2 /* 0.546851 */, 0x1.b55542p-1, 0x1.0a3d7ap-1,
0x0.23faafc00p+2 /* 0.562176 */, 0x1.b133aep-1, 0x1.10e916p-1,
0x0.250a2cc00p+2 /* 0.578746 */, 0x1.ac9ed2p-1, 0x1.180d0ep-1,
0x0.25fee2800p+2 /* 0.593682 */, 0x1.a863d2p-1, 0x1.1e6bdep-1,
0x0.2700b4000p+2 /* 0.609418 */, 0x1.a3d498p-1, 0x1.251056p-1,
0x0.28025e000p+2 /* 0.625144 */, 0x1.9f2b7ap-1, 0x1.2ba13ap-1,
0x0.28f975400p+2 /* 0.640226 */, 0x1.9a9aa0p-1, 0x1.31db54p-1,
0x0.29fc6dc00p+2 /* 0.656032 */, 0x1.95b7ecp-1, 0x1.384ef4p-1,
0x0.2afc27c00p+2 /* 0.671640 */, 0x1.90cb6cp-1, 0x1.3e9a4ap-1,
0x0.2c0659c00p+2 /* 0.687888 */, 0x1.8b90c6p-1, 0x1.45127ap-1,
0x0.2d017dc00p+2 /* 0.703216 */, 0x1.868952p-1, 0x1.4b18dep-1,
0x0.2e04f3c00p+2 /* 0.719052 */, 0x1.813e8cp-1, 0x1.513d70p-1,
0x0.2efcb8800p+2 /* 0.734175 */, 0x1.7c19bcp-1, 0x1.5706f0p-1,
0x0.300642800p+2 /* 0.750382 */, 0x1.767dc8p-1, 0x1.5d2464p-1,
0x0.30ff5cc00p+2 /* 0.765586 */, 0x1.7123d0p-1, 0x1.62cb9cp-1,
0x0.3204f6c00p+2 /* 0.781553 */, 0x1.6b6d98p-1, 0x1.68a4d6p-1,
0x0.3303af000p+2 /* 0.797100 */, 0x1.65c70cp-1, 0x1.6e4010p-1,
0x0.34002f400p+2 /* 0.812511 */, 0x1.601740p-1, 0x1.73b86cp-1,
0x0.35080ac00p+2 /* 0.828616 */, 0x1.5a0f1cp-1, 0x1.79579cp-1,
0x0.35fda7800p+2 /* 0.843607 */, 0x1.545d16p-1, 0x1.7e7cc6p-1,
0x0.37040f800p+2 /* 0.859623 */, 0x1.4e31bep-1, 0x1.83e3aep-1,
0x0.3800eac00p+2 /* 0.875056 */, 0x1.482b1cp-1, 0x1.89002ap-1,
0x0.390737c00p+2 /* 0.891066 */, 0x1.41d5b8p-1, 0x1.8e3432p-1,
0x0.39fce7800p+2 /* 0.906061 */, 0x1.3bd3dep-1, 0x1.92fc2ap-1,
0x0.3b0596c00p+2 /* 0.922216 */, 0x1.3546c4p-1, 0x1.9808d0p-1,
0x0.3bf971c00p+2 /* 0.937100 */, 0x1.2f2b58p-1, 0x1.9c979ep-1,
0x0.3d0275800p+2 /* 0.953275 */, 0x1.2874c8p-1, 0x1.a17120p-1,
0x0.3e02c4400p+2 /* 0.968919 */, 0x1.21e3cap-1, 0x1.a60740p-1,
0x0.3ef759000p+2 /* 0.983847 */, 0x1.1b8ec4p-1, 0x1.aa4f02p-1,
0x0.3ff90a800p+2 /* 0.999575 */, 0x1.14d158p-1, 0x1.aeb732p-1,
0x0.40f703800p+2 /* 1.015077 */, 0x1.0e1baep-1, 0x1.b2f468p-1,
0x0.420693000p+2 /* 1.031651 */, 0x1.06dcb2p-1, 0x1.b75f2ap-1,
0x0.4300fb800p+2 /* 1.046935 */, 0x1.001dcep-1, 0x1.bb5678p-1,
0x0.440282800p+2 /* 1.062653 */, 0x1.f23bb2p-2, 0x1.bf4efcp-1,
0x0.44fb18000p+2 /* 1.077826 */, 0x1.e49a58p-2, 0x1.c3095ep-1,
0x0.45fe26000p+2 /* 1.093637 */, 0x1.d647a4p-2, 0x1.c6cfaap-1,
0x0.4700de800p+2 /* 1.109428 */, 0x1.c7dba0p-2, 0x1.ca77aap-1,
0x0.47fd2d800p+2 /* 1.124828 */, 0x1.b9af14p-2, 0x1.cdec48p-1,
0x0.48fd3c000p+2 /* 1.140456 */, 0x1.ab3138p-2, 0x1.d1515ep-1,
0x0.49f66d000p+2 /* 1.155666 */, 0x1.9cfd2cp-2, 0x1.d48338p-1,
0x0.4b05ec000p+2 /* 1.172236 */, 0x1.8d67dcp-2, 0x1.d7deb0p-1,
0x0.4bfebf800p+2 /* 1.187424 */, 0x1.7f0718p-2, 0x1.dad544p-1,
0x0.4cfa07800p+2 /* 1.202761 */, 0x1.706b10p-2, 0x1.ddb6e0p-1,
0x0.4e0324800p+2 /* 1.218942 */, 0x1.60e920p-2, 0x1.e0a1e6p-1,
0x0.4efdb7800p+2 /* 1.234236 */, 0x1.522b24p-2, 0x1.e34658p-1,
0x0.4ffb51000p+2 /* 1.249714 */, 0x1.432afap-2, 0x1.e5d57ep-1,
0x0.50fb6d000p+2 /* 1.265346 */, 0x1.33f0b2p-2, 0x1.e84ce2p-1,
0x0.5200bc000p+2 /* 1.281295 */, 0x1.24536ep-2, 0x1.eab19cp-1,
0x0.52fbc0800p+2 /* 1.296616 */, 0x1.1541a6p-2, 0x1.ece01ep-1,
0x0.54066d800p+2 /* 1.312892 */, 0x1.052cfep-2, 0x1.ef1104p-1,
0x0.550424000p+2 /* 1.328378 */, 0x1.eb9ff8p-3, 0x1.f1077cp-1,
0x0.55f93c800p+2 /* 1.343337 */, 0x1.cdd470p-3, 0x1.f2cfeap-1,
0x0.56fa9d000p+2 /* 1.359046 */, 0x1.ae6e42p-3, 0x1.f49074p-1,
0x0.57ff02000p+2 /* 1.374939 */, 0x1.8e8e2cp-3, 0x1.f63612p-1,
0x0.58f813000p+2 /* 1.390141 */, 0x1.6ff8f0p-3, 0x1.f7aaf6p-1,
0x0.5a0036800p+2 /* 1.406263 */, 0x1.4f722cp-3, 0x1.f915dcp-1,
0x0.5b005b800p+2 /* 1.421897 */, 0x1.2fd214p-3, 0x1.fa55aep-1,
0x0.5bfe01800p+2 /* 1.437378 */, 0x1.106e24p-3, 0x1.fb732ap-1,
0x0.5cf89f000p+2 /* 1.452675 */, 0x1.e2b3c0p-4, 0x1.fc6ea8p-1,
0x0.5e00f4800p+2 /* 1.468808 */, 0x1.a104e8p-4, 0x1.fd56eap-1,
0x0.5f0527000p+2 /* 1.484689 */, 0x1.60420cp-4, 0x1.fe1a64p-1,
0x0.5fffc8000p+2 /* 1.499987 */, 0x1.21cb4cp-4, 0x1.feb78ap-1,
0x0.610318000p+2 /* 1.515814 */, 0x1.c23092p-5, 0x1.ff39eep-1,
0x0.62032d800p+2 /* 1.531444 */, 0x1.424a9cp-5, 0x1.ff9a86p-1,
0x0.62fd46000p+2 /* 1.546709 */, 0x1.8a9d8cp-6, 0x1.ffd9fap-1,
0x0.63fbc1800p+2 /* 1.562241 */, 0x1.1856c2p-7, 0x1.fffb34p-1,
0x0.65011f000p+2 /* 1.578193 */, -0x1.e4c59ap-8, 0x1.fffc6ap-1,
/*@ requires 0 <= x <= 1.6 ; */
float my_sinf(float x)
const float offs = 0x0.0b8p+2f;
if (x < offs)
float xx = x * x;
/* Remez-optimized polynomial for relative accuracy on -0.164 .. 0.164,
Not the full -0.18 .. 0.18 where it is used, which makes it worse
on -0.164 .. 0.164. But even optimized without regard for 0.164 .. 0.18
It is better than the table entry + correction there so we use it there
return x + x * xx * (-0.16666660487324f + xx * 8.3259065018069e-3f);
int i = (x - offs) * 64.0f;
float *p = c_cos_sin[i];
float F = p[0];
float C = p[1];
float S = p[2];
float h = x - F;
#if 0
float s = S * (cosl(h) - 1.0) + C * sinl(h); // ext-double computation
#if 1
// Two Remez-optimized polynomials for absolute accuracy on -0.008 .. 0.008
float s = h * (C + h * (-0.4999976959797f * S + h * -0.166666183241f * C));
return S + s;
unsigned int m, c, t;
uint64_t max_ulp;
int main(){
for (float f = 0.0f; f < 1.57f; f = nextafterf(f, 3.0f))
double rd = sin(f);
float r = rd;
float n = my_sinf(f);
if (r != n)
uint64_t in, ir;
double nd = n;
memcpy(&in, &nd, 8);
memcpy(&ir, &rd, 8);
uint64_t ulp = in > ir ? in - ir : ir - in;
if (ulp > max_ulp)
printf("error %" PRIu64 "/536870912 ULP sin(%.8e) ref:%.8e new:%.8e
ulp, f, r, n);
if (ulp > max_ulp)
max_ulp = ulp;
printf("differences: %u / %u
", c, t);