Entity framework doesn't support batch operations. I like the way how the code solves the problem but even it does exactly what you want (but for ObjectContext API) it is a wrong solution.
Why is it wrong solution?
It works only in some cases. It will definitely not work in any advanced mapping solution where entity is mapped to multiple tables (entity splitting, TPT inheritance). I almost sure that you can find another situations where it will not work due to complexity of the query.
It keeps context and database inconsistent. This is a problem of any SQL executed against DB but in this case the SQL is hidden and another programmer using your code can miss it. If you delete any record which is in the same time loaded to the context instance, the entity will not be marked as deleted and removed from context (unless you add that code to your DeleteBatch
method - this will be especially complicated if deleted record actually maps to multiple entities (table splitting)).
The most important problem is modification of EF generated SQL query and assumptions you are doing on that query. You are expecting that EF will name the first table used in the query as Extent1
. Yes it really uses that name now but it is internal EF implementation. It can change in any minor update of EF. Building custom logic around internals of any API is considered as a bad practice.
As a result you already have to work with query on SQL level so you can call the SQL query directly as @mreyeros showed and avoid risks in this solution. You will have to deal with real names of tables and columns but that is something you can control (your mapping can define them).
If you don't consider these risks as significant you can make small changes to the code to make it work in DbContext API:
public static class DbContextExtensions
public static void DeleteBatch<T>(this DbContext context, IQueryable<T> query) where T : class
string sqlClause = GetClause<T>(query);
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(String.Format("DELETE {0}", sqlClause));
private static string GetClause<T>(IQueryable<T> clause) where T : class
string snippet = "FROM [dbo].[";
string sql = clause.ToString();
string sqlFirstPart = sql.Substring(sql.IndexOf(snippet));
sqlFirstPart = sqlFirstPart.Replace("AS [Extent1]", "");
sqlFirstPart = sqlFirstPart.Replace("[Extent1].", "");
return sqlFirstPart;
Now you will call batch delete this way:
context.DeleteBatch(context.People.Where(p => p.Name == "Jim"));