few people have helped me with this problem before but the rotation is still messed up my Cannons wont rotate towards the player good they are all out of place I really need help with this problem its my first time trying to make something rotate towards a player
I am trying to make my cannon mouth rotate towards player, but the rotation is messed up and up I don't know how to fix it.
class enemyshoot:
def __init__(self,x,y,height,width,color):
# [...............]
self.look_at_pos = (x,y)
def draw(self):
# [............]
self.rect = self.shootsright.get_rect(topleft = (self.x, self.y))
dx = self.look_at_pos[0] - self.rect.centerx
dy = self.look_at_pos[1] - self.rect.centery
angle = (180/math.pi) * math.atan2(-dx, dy)
(window.blit(self.image, self.rect))
self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.shootsright, angle)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center = self.rect.center)
def lookAt( self, coordinate ):
self.look_at_pos = coordinate
My full enemyshoot class
shotsright = pygame.image.load("canss.png")
class enemyshoot:
def __init__(self,x,y,height,width,color):
self.x = x
self.y =y
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.color = color
self.health = 10
self.hitbox = (self.x + -20, self.y + 30, 31, 57)
# Make a Reference Copy of the bitmap for later rotation
self.shootsright = pygame.image.load("canss.png")
self.shootsright = pygame.transform.scale(self.shootsright,(self.shootsright.get_width()-150,self.shootsright.get_height()-150))
self.image = self.shootsright
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.position = pygame.math.Vector2( (x, y) )
self.isLookingAtPlayer = False
self.look_at_pos = (x,y)
def draw(self):
self.rect.topleft = (self.x,self.y)
window.blit(self.image, self.rect)
self.rect = self.shootsright.get_rect(topleft = (self.x, self.y))
dx = self.look_at_pos[0] - self.rect.centerx
dy = self.look_at_pos[1] - self.rect.centery
angle = (180/math.pi) * math.atan2(-dy, dx)
self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.shootsright, angle)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center = self.rect.center)
# ------------
self.hits = (self.x + 20, self.y, 28,60)
pygame.draw.rect(window, (255,0,0), (self.hitbox[0], self.hitbox[1] - 60, 100, 10)) # NEW
pygame.draw.rect(window, (0,255,0), (self.hitbox[0], self.hitbox[1] - 60, 100 - (5 * (10 - self.health)), 10))
self.hitbox = (self.x + 200, self.y + 200, 51, 65)
def lookAt( self, coordinate ):
self.look_at_pos = coordinate
black = (0,0,0)
enemyshooting = []
platformGroup = pygame.sprite.Group
platformList = []
level = [" p p p p p ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",]
for iy, row in enumerate(level):
for ix, col in enumerate(row):
if col == "p":
new_platforms = enemyshoot(ix*10, iy*50, 10,10,(255,255,255))
This is where the cannons rotate towards the player, wherever they are
for enemyshoot in enemyshooting:
if not enemyshoot.isLookingAtPlayer:
enemyshoot.lookAt((playerman.x, playerman.y))
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