The following should get you going. you may want to adjust my sample of "Current_Date()" function for whatever may be your reservation start date and going out so many days....
This uses MySQL inline variables in the query. The inner query is a simple prepare of a reservation (@r) variable based on some starting date ( current_date() ), and joins to the item table. By doing no join clause, it would otherwise grab one date for every item. In my scenario, I'm only considering going out 30 days, so I've applied a limit of the first 30 items. No basis other than give me enough records so I don't have to create a temp table of 30 records (or however many days you want to go out). This creates an aliased query "JustDates" and has a single column "OpenDate". This is the basis of date ranges to test for.
This is now joined to the items table, but no condition creates a Cartesian to say for each date, compare with every item... per the WHERE clause, I am only concerned with items having SKU of "ABC123" weather they have 10 serial #s or 100. This would now give me a possible 300 or 3000 (10 serial items @ 30 days, or 100 serial items @ 30 days.
Now that I have a "range" of all individual serial numbers and possible days to check availability, I can now query against the reservations system. So, via a sub-select, and NOT IN for a given matching SKU, SERIAL #, and the POSSIBLE Date being found in reservations, I only want to keep those where the given OpenDate is NOT found. I've simulated your table structures and put in a handful of items, multiple serial numbers and staggared reservation date ranges and it works great...
Obviously, I would ensure indexes on sku / serial for performance. The only additional change I might make is when querying against the reservations, to exclude any reservations where the end date is prior to the starting date in question for YOUR query, and optionally, no Start Date > the LAST date you are considering. If you have a ton of reservations spanning years, who cares about something ancient, or something way in the future from the date range in question.
select items.sku,
@r:= date_add(@r, interval 1 day ) OpenDate
(select @r := current_date()) vars,
items limit 30 ) JustDates,
sku = "ABC123"
and sku not in ( select sku from Reservations
where items.sku = reservations.sku
and items.serial_number = reservations.serial_number
and justDates.OpenDate >= reservations.start_date
and justDates.OpenDate <= reservations.end_date )
order by