It is possible to do this all in SQL by use of the REGEXP_SUBSTR function and hierarchical queries:
with list_of_ids as (
select regexp_substr(a, '[[:digit:]]+',1, 1) as lot1
, nvl( regexp_substr(a, '(-)([[:digit:]]+)',1, 1, 'i', '2')
, regexp_substr(a, '[[:digit:]]+',1, 1)) as lot2
from (select regexp_substr('1-3,5,10-15,20' , '[^,]+', 1, level) as a
from dual
connect by regexp_substr('1-3,5,10-15,20' , '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
select a.*
from products a
join list_of_ids b
on a.lot between b.lot1 and b.lot2
However, I must emphasise that normalising your database properly is the way to go. This solution may not scale well and does a hugely unnecessary amount of work.
It works like this:
First split your data on the comma:
SQL> select regexp_substr('1-3,5,10-15,20', '[^,]+', 1, level) as a
2 from dual
3 connect by regexp_substr('1-3,5,10-15,20', '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
4 ;
Next, split it on the hyphen to provide a minimum and maximum lot to use in the BETWEEN before finally joining it to the table. The NVL is there to ensure that there is always a maximum.
SQL> select regexp_substr(a, '[[:digit:]]+',1, 1) as lot1
2 , nvl( regexp_substr(a, '(-)([[:digit:]]+)',1, 1, 'i', '2')
3 , regexp_substr(a, '[[:digit:]]+',1, 1)) as lot2
4 from (select regexp_substr('1-3,5,10-15,20' , '[^,]+', 1, level) as a
5 from dual
6 connect by regexp_substr('1-3,5,10-15,20' , '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
7 )
8 ;
-------------- --------------
1 3
5 5
10 15
20 20
Here's a working SQL Fiddle with the full query.