Try functions range()
and array_rand()
// range generates array with direct sequence from 1 to 60 (inclusive).
// array_rand extracts 20 random keys from it.
$range = array_rand(range(1, 60), 20);
$i = array_shift($range) + 1;
print '<a href="javascript:;"><img src="images/items/' . $i . '.png" class="allitems item' . $i . '" /></a>';
UPDv1: With for
$range = array_rand(range(1, 60), 20);
for($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++){
$image = $range[$i] + 1;
print '<a href="javascript:;"><img src="images/items/' . $image . '.png" class="allitems item' . $image . '" /></a>';
unset($range, $i, $image);
I've misread array_rand()
s manual. It returns array keys instead of elements.
Here is multipurpose version (fix with array_flip()
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
$buffer = range(1, 60);
$buffer = array_flip($buffer);
$buffer = array_rand($buffer, 20);
foreach($buffer as $value){
echo $value, PHP_EOL;
And a shortcut function (negatives safe, and overall count safe):
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
function random_range($min, $max, $count){
$count = abs((int)$count);
if($min > $max){
list($min, $max) = array($max, $min);
$uniques = abs($max - $min);
if($count > $uniques)$count = $uniques;
return array_rand(array_flip(range($min, $max)), $count);
foreach(random_range(1, 60, 20) as $value){
echo $value, PHP_EOL;
There is another way for those, who needs non-growing random sequence. Use this:
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
function random_range($min, $max, $count){
$count = abs((int)$count);
if($min > $max){
list($min, $max) = array($max, $min);
$uniques = abs($max - $min);
if($count > $uniques)$count = $uniques;
$result = array();
$ready = 0;
while($ready < $count){
$buffer = rand($min, $max);
if(!in_array($buffer, $result)){
$result[] = $buffer;
return $result;
foreach(random_range(1, 60, 20) as $value){
echo $value, PHP_EOL;
Another way, used range()
+ shuffle()
+ array_slice()
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
function random_range($min, $max, $count){
$count = abs((int)$count);
if($min > $max){
list($min, $max) = array($max, $min);
$uniques = abs($max - $min);
if($count > $uniques)$count = $uniques;
$result = range($min, $max);
return array_slice($result, 0, $count);
foreach(random_range(5, 20, 5) as $random){
echo $random, ' ';