this is a complete blazing fast solution to populate a list of objects, i did my best
and i will be happy to have comments and suggestions.
typedef struct _DataPacket
BSTR buffer;
UINT size;
} DataPacket;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void GetPacksUnsafe( int size, DataPacket** DpArray )
int szr = size;int count=0;
*DpArray = (DataPacket*)CoTaskMemAlloc( szr * sizeof( DataPacket ));
if ( DpArray != NULL )
DataPacket* CurPack = *DpArray;
for ( int i = 0; i < szr; i++, CurPack++ )
CurPack->size = i;
CurPack->buffer = SysAllocString(L"SomeText00");
[DllImport(@"ExportStructArr.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static extern void GetPacksUnsafe(int size, PackU** outPackUArr);
public unsafe struct PackU
public char* StrVal;
public int IntVal;
public static unsafe List<PackU> PopulateLstPackU(int ArrL)
PackU* PackUArrOut;
List<PackU> RtLstPackU = new List<PackU>(ArrL);
GetPacksUnsafe(ArrL, &PackUArrOut);
PackU* CurrentPack = PackUArrOut;
for (int i = 0; i < ArrL; i++, CurrentPack++)
RtLstPackU.Add(new PackU(){ StrVal = CurrentPack->StrVal, IntVal=CurrentPack->IntVal});
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", new string(RtLstPackU[i].StrVal));
return RtLstPackU;
using the code is as simple as it could possibly be
static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
int ArrL = 100000;
List<PackU> LstPackU;
LstPackU = PopulateLstPackU(ArrL);
there you have a list of custom data as fast as a bullet..
using pointers instead of strings :
typedef struct _DataPackCharPnt
char* buffer;
UINT IntVal;
} DataPackCharPnt;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void GetPacksPnt( int size, DataPackCharPnt** DpArrPnt )
int count = 0;
int TmpStrSize = 10;
*DpArrPnt = (DataPackCharPnt*)CoTaskMemAlloc( size * sizeof( DataPackCharPnt ));
DataPackCharPnt* CurPackPnt = *DpArrPnt;
char dummyStringDataObject[]= "abcdefgHi";
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++,CurPackPnt++ )
dummyStringDataObject[9] = i+'0';
CurPackPnt->buffer = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*TmpStrSize);
strcpy(CurPackPnt->buffer, dummyStringDataObject);
reduced the time taken from 11 to 7 ms populating 100k elements
is there any part of creating the buffer
i could omit ?
- the duty of
is to simulate work, say getting a file name then set the buffer with its value, so except for this extra time which is the whole purpose of this function, to return some unknown values and lengths of the strings...
could you optimize it even further ?