CSV object uses note properties in each row to store its fields so we'll need to filter each row object and leave just the field(s) we want using Select-Object
cmdlet (alias: select
), which processes the entire CSV object at once:
Import-Csv 1.csv | select field2 | Export-Csv 2.csv -NoTypeInformation
Note, there's no need to escape the end of line if it ends with |
, {
, (
, or ,
It's possible to specify several fields: select field2, field3
To strip unneeded doublequotes, general multi-field case:
Import-Csv 1.csv |
select field2 |
$_.PSObject.Properties | %{ $_.value = $_.value -replace '"', [char]1 }
} |
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation |
%{ $_ -replace '"(S*?)"', '$1' -replace 'x01', '""' } |
Out-File 2.csv -Encoding ascii
Simplified one-field case:
Import-Csv 1.csv |
select field2 |
$_.field2 = $_.field2 -replace '"', [char]1
} |
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation |
%{ $_ -replace '"(S*?)"', '$1' -replace 'x01', '""' } |
Out-File 2.csv -Encoding ascii
A tricky case of embedded quotes inside a field was solved by temporary replacing them with a control character code 01 (there are just a few that can be used in a typical non-broken text file: 09/tab, 0A/line feed, 0D/carriage return).