Some approaches:
Properties using Advanced Platforms
Use some web platform like :
- zookeeper
- Spring Cloud
- magi-properties-management
- This is a java web system in which you can create environments and any key:value in each one. You just need configure your application in any language to read this values.
- cyber-properties-management
- This is a nodejs application that allows you to store properties files (.properties .yml or .json) and then just consume them as rest endpoint from your applications.
With this approaches , when a change of configurations is required, you just need update the value in the system and restart your application. It is even possible a hot reload in java applications.
Properties from Environment variables
You can export your key:value properties as environment vars before starting the application :
export LOG_DIR_LOCATION=/logs
And read it after after the application has started:
Java >> System.getEnv("DATABASE_HOST");
node.js >> process.evn.LOG_DIR_LOCATION
php >> getenv('DATABASE_HOST')
Properties from SCM
- Create some svn repositoty called development-configurations
- Upload your database.xml with development values
- In your application, put a database.xml with dummy values : localhost, etc
- Create a jenkins job and put the environment as an argument.
- In the same job download svn source code of your application.
- download svn repository called $environment-configurations. $environment will be your argument
- replace the database.xml inside of your application with database.xml of $environment-configurations repository.
- Just create another repositories for testing, uat and production. Job must be receive environment as an argument to choose the right database.xml
Properties from Database
Modify your applications to read configurations from some database instead of xml file
Properties from File System
Modify your application to read an external database.xml instead of the database.xml inside of your source code. With this approach you just need put the database.xml in some path of your server and delete it from your application source code.
You can use these approaches not only for backend apps. You can use them for frontends applications:
Devops Variable Substitution for Frontend js applications