There are a lot of answers here, and problems with quite a few of them.
Things you should NOT do:
If you need to read the session token from JavaScript, you're doing something horribly wrong. Your session identifier cookie should ALWAYS have HTTPOnly set on it so its not available to scripts.
This one protection makes it so that the impact of XSS is considerably reduced, since an attacker will no longer be able to get a logged in users session token, which for all intents and purposes are the equivalent of credentials in the application. You don't want one error to give keys to the kingdom.
The session identifier should not be written to the contents of the page. This is for the same reasons you set HTTPOnly. This means that that your csrf token can not be your session id. They need to be different values.
Things you should do:
Follow OWASP's guidance:
Specifically, if this is a REST application you can require double-submission of CSRF tokens. If you do this, just be sure that you define it to a specific full-domain ( and not a parent domain (, and that you also utilize the "samesite" cookie attribute which is gaining popularity.
Simply create something cryptographically random, store it in ASCII Hex or Base64 encode, and add it as a cookie and to your forms when the server returns the page. On the server side make sure that the cookie value matches the form value. Voila, you've killed CSRF, avoided extra prompts for your users, and not opened yourself up to more vulnerabilities.
NOTE: As @krubo states below the double-submission technique has been found to have some weaknesses (See Double-Submission). Since this weakness requires that:
- You define a cookie scoped to the parent domain.
- You fail to set HSTS.
- The attacker controls some network location inbetween the user and the server
I kind of think the weakness falls more in the category of a "Cool Defcon Talk" rather than a "Realworld Security Risk". In any case, if you are going to use double-submission it doesn't hurt to take a few extra steps to protect yourself fully.
New Update 07/06/2020
My new favorite way to do double-submission is to create and pass a cryptographic random string in the body of the request as before; but rather than have the cookie be the same exact value have the cookie be the encoded value of the string being signed by a certificate. This is still just as easy to validate on the server side, but is MUCH harder for an attacker to mimic. You should still use the samesite Cookie attribute and other protections outlined earlier in my post.