You are not subscribing to any success callback in your $.post AJAX call. Meaning that the request is executed, but you do nothing with the results. If you want to do something useful with the results, try:
$.post('/Branch/Details/' + id, function(result) {
// Do something with the result like for example inject it into
// some placeholder and update the DOM.
// This obviously assumes that your controller action returns
// a partial view otherwise you will break your markup
On the other hand if you want to redirect, you absolutely do not need AJAX. You use AJAX only when you want to stay on the same page and update only a portion of it.
So if you only wanted to redirect the browser:
function foo(id) {
window.location.href = '/Branch/Details/' + id;
As a side note:
You should never be hardcoding urls like this. You should always be using url helpers when dealing with urls in an ASP.NET MVC application. So:
function foo(id) {
var url = '@Url.Action("Details", "Branch", new { id = "__id__" })';
window.location.href = url.replace('__id__', id);